Despite the fact that snakes are feared and some are venomous, this does not mean they are without predators. Snakes are clearly caught and killed by some animal species. A few species have even been seen to learn how to exterminate snakes.
10. Snapping Turtles

The majority of people believe that turtles are gentle and quiet reptiles that rarely harm other creatures.
Snapping turtles are huge, freshwater turtles with a reputation for aggression.
Even though those turtles lack teeth, they do have a razor-sharp beak that serves as their primary weapon for hunting and killing their prey.
Because they spend so much of their time in the water, these turtles are excellent swimmers and can easily prey on fish, frogs, and water snakes.
The alligator snapping turtle is a carnivore with strong dorsal ridges on its long tail.
9. Bobcats

Bobcats, often known as “red lynx,” are medium-sized wild cats that are unique to the northern United States.
Those cats, like the rest of the pussycats, are carnivores who can eat a wide variety of prey.
Even though snakes aren’t often part of a bobcat’s diet, if food is scarce in their environment, bobcats may gladly take on a snake.
They may be wild, vicious, and fearless, but they pose a significant threat to all small-to-medium-sized snake species.
8. Owl

Owls are a subfamily of birds of prey that belong to their own family. However, these birds have a distinct appearance from the rest of the raptors.
They have a rounded skull and large, rounded eyes, and they follow a rigid nocturnal routine. In the world, there are approximately 200 different types of owls.
The diet of these birds differs depending on their size and species. Some of the larger owls have been observed eating smaller owl species.
Larger owl species such as magnificent horned owls, barn owls, and barred owls, on the other hand, are common predators of medium-sized snakes.
7. American Bullfrogs

A younger garter snake is the most common snake that a bullfrog might try to eat. Bullfrogs, on the other hand, don’t appear to be limited to only this type of snake.
According to a report from the University of Arizona, full-grown snakes living in an area may have scars on their tails from bullfrog bites.
Bullfrogs have also been reported to eat fully grown male garter snakes, implying that the frogs can swallow a snake up to 2 feet long (zero.6 m).
American bullfrogs are large frogs that weigh between 2 and 3 pounds (1.36 kg) when fully mature.
Because of the venomous copperhead, a bullfrog of that size could swallow a snake of that size.
6. Laughing Falcon

The laughing falcon is thought to be the only falcon species capable of killing snakes.
While these falcons have a calm demeanor and rarely attack smaller birds, they have a reputation for hunting and ingesting even the most venomous snakes.
Despite the fact that no medical evidence exists to support it, a few Mexican tribes believe that the birds are healers.
The guffawing falcons can kill deadly snakes because they can cure themselves in their chunk.
5. Snake Eagles

Eagles are large and powerful raptors that are sometimes referred to as the “king of all birds” because of their build and flight ability, which are quite comparable to that of vultures.
Eagles, like all other birds of prey, have enormous, hooked beaks and powerful talons, which are among the most lethal weapons they utilize to kill their victims.
Although many eagle species are capable of killing snakes with ease, several species specialize in hunting them alongside other reptiles.
The “snake eagles” or “serpent eagles” are the collective name for these eagles.
4. Hedgehog

It’s difficult to believe that a hedgehog, which is sluggish and feeble, could kill a snake. A viper attack consists of a blind assault followed by a retreat.
The hedgehog, on the other hand, fights back with spine armor.
The snake is continually irritated by the hedgehog, and each attack on the viper’s spine armor injures it.
When the viper is so seriously injured that it can no longer attack, the hedgehog attempts to bite the snake from its neck several times.
The vertebrae are crushed by the final chunk.
Hedgehogs are only partially immune to snake venom, and they can be killed if bitten in sensitive places, such as the muzzle.
3. Honey Badger

Ratels, also known as honey badgers, are known for their snake-killing talents, which include grasping a snake in the back of their effective jaws and killing it.
In 15 minutes, a five-foot (1.5-meter) snake is devoured. They could be immune to cobra venom, which is extremely toxic to people.
The honey badger is capable of killing extremely dangerous venomous snakes, such as the puff adder, which has large fangs that release a large amount of flesh-eating venom.
If bitten, the ratel will become severely swelled and paralyzed for a period of two to three hours. However, when the ratel reawakens, he will swallow the snake that has already been slain.
These vicious carnivores have even been seen to steal a snake’s kill and then hunt the snake.
2. Secretary Bird

Birds like eagles, vultures, hawks, and ospreys spring to mind whenever we think of “birds of prey.” But there’s one more lethal raptor that we haven’t seen.
We’re talking about the secretary fowl, a dangerous raptor found only in Africa.
The ability of those long-legged birds of prey to kill even the most toxic snakes, such as vipers and cobras, is well known.
They have a unique and terrible method of killing enormous prey; they may stamp them to death and then eat them.
If the snake cannot be killed on the ground, it is raised into the air and thrown over stones.
1. Mongoose

Mongooses captivate snakes with their stare, causing them to become motionless before flipping them on their backs and consuming them.
The fight is extremely fast-paced, with high-agility jumps, wandering, strong and precise bites from the mongoose.
The mongoose’s thick coat also makes it difficult for snakes to deliver their venom. Even 3 m (10 foot) long king cobras have been known to be killed by mongooses.
Mongooses, on the other hand, aren’t fully immune to snake venom, but they are far more resistant than mice: for the same weight, they can withstand 20 times more than a mouse.
In most situations, the mongoose needs several hours to recover from the venom’s effects. Then it reappears and begins devouring the snake from the head down.