Almost every industry is making efforts to generate leads and increase revenue through online sales and marketing. The life sciences and biotechnology firms are also willing to stay relevant to the ongoing trend. However, to achieve that, the life science industry needs to start showing up on search engines, such as Google, to generate website traffic, improve the website’s credibility, and ensure a good online reputation.
But, every marketer understands the complexity of improving SERP ranking. Every day, Google tinkers with its algorithm and makes it better. This means every passing minute, our SERPs are changing. Therefore, we need to evolve our life science marketing and SEO with it.
How can you do that?
Let’s find out:
5 SEO Lead Generation Ideas for Life Science Marketing
Here are five SEO lead generation ideas for life science marketing that help improve SERP ranking and stay updated with ongoing SEO trends.
Understand your Audience
Firstly, it is a no-brainer to understand your audience. When your life science marketing starts without this knowledge, you may end up marketing to people who don’t need your product. Worst still, they don’t understand the value of your product.
Some things to remember:
Your life science marketing audience includes biotech enthusiasts, healthcare providers, scientists, and other professionals in the field.
These people are not known to purchase on sales messages. They are not so accommodating, and they require quick facts, data, and proven results. As a result, you need to offer accurate data to grab attention.
What is the method best suited to reach your audience online? For life science marketing, there are so many possibilities, such as email marketing, social media, search ads, and trade shows. However, most of these channels require dedicated expertise driven by strong SEO techniques.
Lastly, you need to understand every requirement discussed above, bring it together, and create a unified SEO and life science marketing plan. This should be an omnichannel experience for the user with valuable data and insights.
Create a Valuable Lead Generation Process
Once you know your audience, you can move to the next step of life science marketing:
Firstly, start by understanding the goal of your company. Do you wish to spread awareness around your brand? Do you need to generate leads? Are you willing to set up an omni-channel presence?
You may be willing to generate more leads with this goal eventually, but what is the immediate goal that you need to achieve with life science marketing?
The next step is to tactically plan. This should be gathering data, understanding your current marketing efficiency, knowing the bottlenecks in your digital experience, and then moving forward. For example, your website seems too old and it crashes too often. Understanding the why and impact of this will help you market yourself better.
Finally, you should gather data once you fix your life science marketing through the above step. Don’t neglect the data collected in your organization. Analyze this data and understand the impact of your marketing and SEO on your lead generation.
Work on your Keywords
When you are marketing your life sciences business, you need to improve your keywords.
What are keywords?
In layman’s terms, keywords are search words that the user might use to find something on a search engine.
Understand this with an example:
You are on Google searching for life science marketing, The results aligned on the first, second, and consecutive pages are as per Google’s ranking algorithm. This algorithm understands the efficiency of your data, your design, and multiple other factors to rank you.
We utilize SEO keywords and other tricks to rank better on search engines. We all know there’s a better chance of generating leads if you rank on the first page of Google or appear in the top results.
Therefore, focus on improving your keywords. Create dedicated and valuable long-tail keywords, and use them appropriately in your content throughout your digital media, including website content.
Track KPIs
KPIs are key performing indicators that help you track progress and understand whether you are reaching your goals or not.
For example, understanding the bounce rate, such as why people are leaving your website, if your page speed is low, how this is impacting your revenue, etc.
You may need to link different KPIs to understand the overall health of your life science marketing, such as customer acquisition cost, digital marketing ROI, organic traffic, etc.
Manage and Use Customer Reviews
Lastly, to improve your SEO-based lead generation, take customer reviews seriously.
There are two factors here:
A negative review helps you improve your life science marketing.
A positive review helps you build users’ trust in the brand.
Don’t hesitate to directly ask customers about their experience. Give them a call, place a button on the website, or run a campaign on social media. Know what your audience thinks about your customer service.
For negative reviews, make amends and reach back to the customer to apologize. With mended connections, you can turn these negative reviews into good ones.
Utilize positive reviews to flaunt your website and social media, which will improve your SEO. When customers trust your brand, search engines trust your brand.
Final Words
Life science marketing requires proper planning and execution. Considering the complexity of the field, marketing inherits these bottlenecks. You need to understand your audience, create a market reputation, and ensure customer satisfaction. SEO is a way to improve your outreach. We have explained a few SEO lead generation tips above. Evaluate and start implementing.