People say that children are a family’s blessing. A home truly lights up when a kid is around. Without a doubt, children have the magic to bond their families and tie them closer. Reunions and travels seem to be even livelier when kids are around. However, it’s not a walk in the park to travel with kids.
If you have a toddler, you can’t expect to pack lightly for your travel. Aside from that, you’ll have to prepare yourself and your kid for the trip — mentally, emotionally, and physically. Parents surely want their kid’s first travel experience to be memorable. That’s why preparing the kids beforehand is necessary — so everyone gets to enjoy the long-awaited vacation.
Preparation is even more critical when it comes to travelling on water. Most kids get excited when they see water. Sometimes, when their adrenaline rush kicks in, kids tend to become hyper and lose their self-control. As a result, accidents could happen.
If you have an upcoming boat vacation with your kids, it would be best to prepare them as the trip is approaching. In this post, we’ll look at some tips families could use when going on a boat trip with the little ones.
1. Educate them about the trip and what they can expect from it.
Studies say that kids at the age of five have about fifteen minutes of attention span. It can be challenging to explain to a five-year-old what a trip is. But, as parents, you can help them understand what it is about by relating it to their interests.
If your kid has a favourite show, why don’t you use its characters as an example? Explain where you’ll be going within the level of their comprehension. But as you do it, make sure that you’re clear about what they can expect. It would also be nice to familiarise them with boat accessories.
Don’t set their expectations too high. Even though their attention span is short, kids have a great memory. One study even says that kids could beat adults in remembering. Sometimes, you can’t be lucky enough to skate your way in exaggerating the trip to your kids. Doing so could only result in disappointment and tantrums during the vacation.
And so, be realistic with your explanation. Communicate about the trip gradually as it approaches — so your kid will remember your rules and precautions.
2. Try and see how they feel in the waters.
Unfortunately, not all kids love the water. Some hate it no matter how much you try to make them feel better. Hopefully, that wouldn’t be the case with your kid. One way to know how your kid would react is to test them.
If this will be the first time they’ll be seeing the waters, I suggest familiarising them with it first. If you know a resort or pool amenity near your place, why don’t you take your kid for a walk in the area? You can also show them videos of what the sea would look like to set their expectations well.
If you have plans to take your kids to swim, it would be great if they could try it before going on the trip. Try soaking them in a tub or an inflatable pool. If there’s a clubhouse pool near your place, try to bring your kids for a swim.
That way, you wouldn’t have to deal with possible shocks and cries that could happen if ever they don’t find the waters enjoyable during your trip.
3. Pack your kid’s necessities as well as things to distract them (in case their mood starts to shift downwards)
One way to keep kids happy is through food. Many children find it hard to express their hunger — making them grumpy. Pack your kid’s necessities to avoid ruining the mood and make the most out of your boat trip.
Make sure to bring items that would help distract them, too. Sometimes, even though you did your best in preparing your kid for the trip, their mood could still suddenly change. With that, make sure to pack their toys and gadgets to lift their spirits when you need to.
You can also buy fishing equipment for kids so your child can have a water-related activity on board. You don’t have to buy professional equipment for them. Even a fishing equipment toy would do just to keep them engaged.
4. Keep them active during the trip.
People say that kids love it when they feel that they are involved. Why don’t you try to assign small tasks that your kid could do during the trip? It can be as simple as putting the boat accessories in order. Or make them greet other vessels that you’ll encounter during the sail.
Don’t kids just love it when they anticipate something to happen? It could be a fun activity to look forward to seeing other vessels during your sail. You can also teach your kids how to fish. Let your children try how to navigate the boat, too.
Keep in mind that this trip is a great chance to help your kid develop their skills. You can start by keeping them busy and active during the entire trip.
5. Don’t forget to communicate with them throughout the trip.
Last but not least is communication. Throughout your trip, take the time to communicate with your kid. Take it as an opportunity to ask how they feel. Give them a chance to express their thoughts and feelings.
Let kids do the talking as much as they want. Of course, don’t forget to listen to what they have to say, too. You might just be surprised how much they’ve observed and learned throughout the trip.
Also, you could learn what to do on your next trip by listening to their opinions. They say kids can’t lie. So, use your upcoming trip to get to know your little human even better.
You can’t expect a seamless trip with kids — but you can surely do something to make it worthwhile.
Expecting to have a trouble-free trip with kids can only ruin your vacation. A seamless trip with kids is almost impossible. But that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be fun anymore. You don’t have to sweat the small stuff during your boat trip with kids.
Preparation will surely help you make the most of your vacation. Remember these tips so you and your kid will enjoy your next boat getaway. Happy sailing!
About the author:
Bianca Banda is a writer for Shop Marine, an online marine store that offers the best boat accessories and fishing equipment that you need. All items sold by Shop Marine are Australia service guaranteed and are marine quality warranty.