We use 3D printing and design to help elementary, primary, and middle school schools teach Design Thinking and make STEM subjects fun and engaging. Every day, we witness firsthand the incredible things K-8 students can accomplish when presented with an intuitive design interface and a supportive learning environment. So, today, we’ll go over the seven advantages of using 3D printing in education.
Developing inventors
Students can become creators thanks to 3D printing technology. Instead of purchasing or consuming someone else’s creations, they become inventors capable of identifying needs and developing solutions. Check out this awesome school nature play area designed by students and built by landscapers using Makers Empire. Or read about William Graeme, a diabetic who created a sanitary device for storing used blood testing strips. What amazing inventions could your students create if they had the right tools, resources, and support?
Reintroducing art
Although art is making a comeback with the advent of education, 3D printing will help propel it to the top. Students become designers and creators using cutting-edge technology to visualise and create their own imaginations with 3D printing. Not to mention the improvement in students’ spatial reasoning skills and understanding of 2D to 3D conversion, which has been found to be a predictor of future success.
Getting Reluctant Learners to Participate
3D printing is still a relatively new technology that is not widely available to the general public. It has a ‘wow factor,’ which can engage students who would otherwise be uninterested in their learning.
Educating digital citizens to be responsible
Using 3D printing in the classroom will allow your students to join the growing online 3D printing community. Students can specifically like and comment on their peers’ designs in Makers Empire. An insightful discussion of online activities and being a responsible digital citizen.
Making everything interactive
Everything can be done by hand. Are you interested in ancient societies? Create a mummy or a pyramid model and print it. Interested in learning about landforms? Create a peninsula or a mountain range and print it. Studying natural disasters? Design and print tools to help you avoid problems caused by natural disasters. The list is endless.
Real-world problem solving
3D printing is a technology being used by scientists and engineers to change the world. Put that same technology in the hands of your students and introduce them to some of the issues that your community is facing. As you set them loose on a real-world problem, they will learn empathy, teamwork, and problem-solving. Don’t be surprised if they come up with solutions you never thought of.