In the corporate world, a company registers for a trademark with the Registrar, and the said mark becomes the company’s trading symbol, which means that it becomes a mascot or an image that uniquely identifies the products and services of the company with its registered trademark over it.
After the trademark is registered, the company begins its business operations. But what, many of them are unaware that the company has to secure its trademark even after the registration, during the course of its utility.
A company works hard to build its brand in the market, and the trademark is the pictorial representation of that brand. But someone can use your hard-earned reputation in the market by using your trademark or its lookalike to sell their defective products in the market or degrade your brand value.
You might even lose your customers. So, constant vigilance is required for the trademark to secure it from such theft and plagiarism. Here comes the need for trademark investigation .
A trademark investigation is carried out on a company accused of counterfeiting a registered trademark of another company. A company can avail of Trademark investigation services if it is skeptical of anyone who is or can attempt to infringe its registered trademark.
Trademark investigation services are majorly of three types:
- The Trademark in-use investigation
- Trademark infringement investigation
- Counterfeit investigation
Eligibility for Trademark Investigation
- Any registered trademark owner company can opt for investigation services.
- Also, the applicant must be clear on the type of service it wants to avail of with the investigation service provider.
- The applicant must also provide the details of the trademark infringers or potential infringers, from which the risk of trademark counterfeiting is high. The applicant must be sure of the list of potential defaulters it offers to the investigating entity.
- If the infringement is already committed, then the trademark owner must swiftly opt for the trademark investigation services before the infringer and its products damage the reputation of your well-established brand.
- The applicant must conduct thorough research on all the existing trademark investigation service providers, their reputation in the market, and the service charges so as to make an informed choice for availing of the required service.
Required documentation
No such special documents are required for opting for the trademark investigation services. You need to convey your authenticity to the investigation service provider. All you have to do is make a connection with the trademark investigation service provider of your choice, and then they will guide you through the process.
Investigation services offered by the Registrationwala
To avail of the trademark investigation services, you can connect with the Registrationwala. Main purpose of such investigation is to provide concrete evidence of the supposed plaintiff which supports their infringement accusation.
The registrationwala, upon your brief, can investigate individuals committing fraud on, say, your company name, your registered or unregistered trademark, or even your domain name and then provide you with sufficient evidence to take the appropriate legal action against the infringer.
Regitrationwala believes that the company’s most important commodity is its brand. Any threat made to the company’s intellectual property threatens its authenticity in the market and can make it lose business. Therefore, conducting timely is a wiser thing to do.
If you have interest in such services, you can connect with us for free, as Registrationwala offers free consultation on trademark investigation. Read Other Useful Content: Trademark Assignment
Registrationwala provides a wide range of Intellectual property rights services to the customers in the most time- and cost-effective manner. Some of our services are below:
Investigation services in case of Trademark Counterfeiting & Piracy:
- Trademark Infringement Detection
- Threat Identification
- Undercover Penetration of Infringing Organizations
- Infringement Surveillance
- Cease-And-Desist Letters services
- Acquiring Voluntary Surrender of Counterfeit Materials
Copyright & Patent Investigations:
- Unauthorized Use of Copyright
- Patent Misuse & Infringement
- Industrial Design Misuse
- Integrated Circuit Topography Design Misuse
- Identification of Threats
Trademark Investigations:
- Detection of Infringement
- Identification of Threats
- Date of First Use Determination
- The extent of Usage Determination
Market Surveys & Monitoring:
- Targeted Automated & Manual Searches of Online and Print Sales Portals
- Ongoing & Persistent Monitoring
- Compilation & Analysis of Aggregate Data
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