This suggests that the printer has some kind of technical issue. To find a solution to Canon Printer Error Code 5010 Solution issue, please follow these steps:
To get started, you need to invert the printer and open it from the top.
Turn off the power source, and then look about for a location that might house a purging unit.
A problem with the purge unit of the Canon printer is indicated by the error number “5010,” which appears on the printer. In the case that your product is still covered by the manufacturer’s warranty, you are able to take it to a Canon service center to have it maintained. If, on the other hand, the time limit on your warranty has passed, you will be responsible for performing the service yourself.
To make use of the printer, first power it on and then open it from the top, which will release the carriage so that it can move to the middle of the machine. Power should be turned off once the carriage has arrived at its destination. The purge unit is located immediately adjacent to the carriage. It is expected that two plastic wiper blades and two ink pads would be included in the package.
Put on rubber gloves, then slowly advance the windshield wiper blades forward before letting them go back to their original position. Because everything works on a spring action, you should avoid doing anything that requires force. When the carriage is in the parked position, its job is to clean the bottoms of the cartridges.
If there is any sticky ink residue that is impeding smooth movement, you can remove or clean it by blotting it with a paper towel that has been wet with hot water. If there is any sticky ink residue, it will prevent smooth movement. Additionally, clean the region that surrounds the top of the purge unit. The next step is to apply light pressure to the ink pads and see if you can move the cartridge back into position by roughly a quarter of an inch
Check the area around the purge unit for any crumpled-up pieces of paper. When removing anything that you can see, exercise extreme caution. If you pull too strongly on something, the gears in the printer could become damaged. Turn on the printer after you have connected it to a power supply and turned it on. After you have done so, close the unit’s lid and ensure that it is connected to a power source. Investigate to see if you can confirm that this approach is successful.