As with perfectly pointed wing tips or gorgeously sculpted cheekbones lipstick is stunning when applied with care and patience. Do it too fast and you’ll get an entirely different outcome however. To aid you in applying liquid lipstick in a professional manner We’ve listed the most common mistakes you may make and the best way you can do to avoid them. When you’re done reading (and you’ve worked your way through your routine for skin care to ensure you’re ready apply your makeup)
Liquid Lipstick Mistake #1: You’re Not Exfoliating First
Exfoliating prior to applying lipstick is a great practice since it will help make a smoother surface. This is especially beneficial in the case of liquid lipsticks because a majority of formulations feature a matte-like finish. Since matte lipsticks appear dull and flat when placed applied to the lips. They may make you notice any dryness that you may be experiencing. Therefore, you should take a moment or two prior to applying any liquid lipstick to gently massage the lips with a lip scrub. This will remove dead skin cells from the lips’ surface.
Liquid Lipstick The second mistake: You’re Not moisturizing your lips prior to applying
Like you would apply a moisturizer after cleansing your face it’s similar after exfoliating your lips. Apply a moisturizing lip conditioner to your pout after having cleaned off the lips scrub.
Liquid Lipstick The 3rd Mistake The reason is that you’re applying too many Layers
When you apply the lipstick you prefer to use it is only necessary to apply just one coat. Many liquid lipsticks are highly pigmented. Therefore, only one coat is enough to give the best coverage, while several layers could result in looking cakey.
Liquid Lipstick Make-up #4 The reason is that you’re doing it in the Wrong Order
It’s tempting to believe that working all the way from bottom to top would be the best method of applying the lipstick liquid, but it appears that this is not the scenario. Instead, it’s best to start by applying your lip’s bottom. Since there’s more color on the brush as you take it out of the tube, it’s better to start with your lower lip to ensure you’re left with more space for error in the event that the color doesn’t blend properly. Once you’ve finished filling the lip of your lower then use the rest of the shade of the wand complete your upper lip, beginning at the center of your lip before moving to the outer edges.
Liquid Lipstick Mistake #5: You’re Not Using Lip Liner
Do you wonder why your lipstick that you apply perfect at the beginning of the day but end with all the tiny lines around your lips at noon? It’s likely that you didn’t remember to apply lipstick liner. If you line your lips by applying a similar hue of liner it can aid in keeping your lipstick’s shade confined to the lips. Also, if you cover all the surface of your lips with liner it can serve as a good primer making it possible for your liquid lipstick to last longer and more uniformly.
The Liquid Lipstick 6: not applying your lip liner Properly
When you’re looking at your lip liner, need to recall the lessons you were taught in school and stay within the lines. After drawing the areas of the lips apply the lips brush that blends it toward the middle of your mouth, creating an ombre look. In this way, you’ll be able conceal the fact that you’re wearing lip liner , but still enjoy the main benefits of wearing it.
Liquid Lipstick Mistake #7: You’re Rubbing Your Lips
In the past as you were learning to put on lipstick, your mother probably advised you to apply it the lips, rub them together, and then pucker up to create a perfect fill in pout. With regard to liquid lipsticks, that advice is no longer the case. Liquid lipsticks tend to dry quickly and are accompanied by precise applicators, which means there’s no requirement to use your lips as a rub to spread the color.