Migraine can be eliminated from the root by doing yoga regularly. We will tell you about five asanas of yoga that reduce the effects of migraine. Anulom-Vilom Pranayama, Bhastrika Pranayama, Kapalbhati, Surya Namaskar, Jal Neti Kriya and Sutra Neti Kriya will be explained in detail. These major yoga asanas are special in many ways because they eliminate the effects of migraine. This keeps the mind calm. Which eliminates the effect of migraine. So, in this article, let us know about the ways to eliminate migraine pain with yoga.
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You will get the benefit if you do yoga in the right way:
The method of yoga should be correct, only then does it benefit. Nowadays it is being seen that people do yoga in the wrong way. They get upset when they do not get the benefit of it. There are 5 easy steps to get rid of migraine. We will talk about those who give more benefit in this. But it is important that it should be done only under the supervision of a yoga instructor. If you do yoga the wrong way, then it will not be beneficial and there will be a loss too. Migraine causes phlegm in the head. This is due to the malformation of the nervous system. Due to this, half of the head hurts. Migraine sufferers become sensitive to light and sound.
Migraine will be reduced by these asanas:
Adopt Bhastrika Pranayama, know how to do it
It involves inhaling through both nostrils and exhaling through both nostrils. Do not breathe by using force. There should be no sound while breathing. We have to exhale longer than the time we take to inhale. Like we take 10 seconds to inhale, then it will take 11 to 12 seconds to exhale. The breath has to be kept inside (in the chest) for some time.
Anulom Vilom is very effective
In this posture, the breath will be inhaled through the left nostril and exhaled from the right. To do this yoga, one has to hold one breath inside for some time. For example, if we are breathing through the left nostril for 10 seconds, then we will keep the breath in for four seconds. Exhale in 12 to 14 seconds. Similarly, do it with the right hole as well. If you do this with only one hole, it will be a complete cycle. This will fix the nose nozzle. Migraine sufferers should do this for 20 minutes. If patients suffering from migraine regularly do this, then they definitely benefit.
Include Kapalbhati in regular yoga practice
In this asana, there is no exhalation of the breath through the nose, it is a rapid exhalation (it can be called rapid exhalation). In this asana, many people give a blow to the chest while exhaling. People are not to be jerked in the chest. And there are three types of Kapalbhati which are Chandra Kapalbhati, Surya Kapalbhati and Normal Kapalbhati. By doing any one of these asanas of Kapalbhati, it reduces the effect of migraine. The shoulder and chest should not move in Kapalbhati. The stomach will just be inside out. This should be done for seven to 10 minutes. People should also include Kapalbhati in their yoga practice. They will definitely benefit by doing so.
Include Jal Neti Kriya and Sutra Neti Kriya in yoga practice
Learn how to do Jal Neti
Jalneeti is an important body purification yoga, in which water is used to clean the nose and protect you from migraine, sinus, cold, cold, pollution, etc. To do Jalneti, add a little salt to the water and make it lukewarm, then the same water is used. In this, water is injected through the Netipot through one nostril and drained through the other. The water should come out completely from the nose, otherwise, it can cause harm. This yoga practice should be done only under the supervision of a good yoga instructor. If this is not done, the consequences can be fatal.
Get rid of the problem by adopting sutra neti
The earlier thread was used to perform this action but now it is easily available in medical stores. In this process, first, this sutra Neti is cleaned with water and slowly inserted into the nose, which is taken out through the mouth. This action purifies the body. It reduces the problem of migraine.
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These symptoms are seen when you have migraine disease:
Migraine is characterized by excruciating, tingling pain that worsens with movement and prevents you from doing normal activities. In some cases, the pain can be on both sides of the head and can affect your face and neck. There is such a pain in the head as if someone is hammering. This pain occurs in half of the head and sometimes it starts happening in the whole head also. And this state of pain can last from a few hours to a few days. And this pain is called Migraine, Epidural, or Ardhashishi. In this, the arteries under the head become enlarged during a headache. Swelling also occurs in the painful part.