Blood disorders are health conditions where there is a problem with the RBC (Red Blood Cells), WBC (White Blood Cells), and platelets. RBC, WBC, and the platelets are the three types of blood cells are form in the bone marrow. Bone marrow is the soft and spongy tissue present in the bone cavity. Bone marrow forms different blood cells from the nutrients and other resources it receives. The blood is vital for the normal functioning of our body. Normal functioning of blood needs support from many other tissues and organ system, such as the spleen, kidneys, liver, clotting protein, bone marrow, and lymphatic system. Malfunctioning of any one of them can cause blood disorders.
What are the functions of blood cells?
Each type of blood cell has different functions.
- RBC- These cells carry oxygen to different parts of the body and carry carbon dioxide from the lungs.
- WBC- These blood cells are part of the body immune system and help in fighting against diseases
- Platelets– these blood cells help in clotting of blood.
Types of blood disorders
Blood disorders are of different types. They can be inherit or acquire. Blood disorders can be non-cancerous or cancerous. The common types of blood disorders are Haemophilia, Leukaemia, anaemia, Von Willebrand’s disease, blood clotting disorders, and different types of blood cancer.
Symptoms of blood disorders
Depending on the type of blood disorder, the symptoms vary. The common symptoms of blood disorders are abnormal bleeding, infections, fatigue, and fever. Some of the serious symptoms of blood disorders are-
- Chest pain
- Coughing up blood
- Shortness of breath
- Frequent infections
- Excessive bleeding or bruising
- Hair loss
- Brittle nails
- Swollen lymph nodes
- Unexplained weight loss
- Changes in vision
- Dizziness, abdominal pain, vomiting
Treatment for blood disorders
Blood disorders can be treated in different ways depending on the symptoms and severity. Certain conditions cannot be treated completely but treatments help in living a better life.
- Iron supplements- are used to replenish iron deficiency in our body. They are prescribe for anaemias. A person suffering from anemia may feel dizzy, tired or weak. If iron supplements cannot improve the condition, a blood transfusion may be need.
- Medication- medicines are used to stimulate bone marrow so that it can produce more platelets. Antibiotics and dietary supplements are also given to treat certain blood disorders.
- Blood Transfusion- In some severe cases, blood transfusion is required. Blood is take from a donor to transfuse it to prevent further compilations in patients. The blood group of the donor and recipient should match for blood transfusion.
- Surgical treatment- In some cases, bone marrow transplant is needed to replace or repair the damaged bone marrow. The stem cells is take from a donor and put into the body of the patient. The donor can be the patient or some other healthy person.
Blood cancer and its types
It is a common type of cancer. Blood cancer stops the blood from performing its normal functions such as fighting against diseases, formation of new blood cells, etc. It starts in the bone marrow, the place where blood cells are produce. This is also call as haematologic cancer. When blood cells grow abnormally and their normal functions are interrupt, the condition is know as bone marrow cancer.
Types of blood cancer
The most common types of blood cancer are leukaemia, lymphoma, and myeloma. “Leukaemia is the most common type of blood cancer in Nigeria. Moreover, In Nigeria, the death rate of the patients suffering from leukaemia is about 94% including both adults and children. Leukaemia is one of the most common cancers in children in Nigeria.” Leukaemia can be-
- Acute leukaemia- the cells divide rapidly and the cancer progresses very fast. It is common in children
- Chronic leukaemia– the cancer develops slowly. Initially, no signs or symptoms are notices. It is more common in adults.
Diagnosis of Blood cancer
Blood cancer is diagnose with-
- Physical tests
- Blood tests
- Blood cells examination
- Bone marrow biopsy
- Imaging
Treatment of blood cancer
Depend on the type and severity of blood cancer, the treatment is .
- Chemotherapy
- Radiation therapy
- Bone marrow stem cells transplantation