The force of blood on the artery walls as the heart pumps blood through the body is known as blood pressure. Essential hypertension affects around 95% of persons with high blood pressure; there is no known cause for primary hypertension. Secondary hypertension occurs when the cause of hypertension is known, such as kidney disease or tumors.
Blood pressure ranges typically from 120/80 (“120 over 80”), but it can rise and fall with exercise, relaxation, and emotions. Millimeters of mercury are used to measure the pressures. When the heart pushes blood out to the rest of the body, the top number (120) represents the pressure (systolic pressure). The pressure at the bottom (80) is the pressure while the heart rests between beats (diastolic pressure).
- Blood pressure should be less than 120/80.
- Prehypertension is a blood pressure reading of 120/80 to 139/90.
- Stage I’s high blood pressure ranges from 140/90 to 159/99.
- A blood pressure reading of 160/100 indicates stage II hypertension.
Hypertension is diagnosed when your blood pressure is consistently higher than 140/90.
What is the cause of high blood pressure?
When your blood pressure is high, your arteries weaken and bleed. Atherosclerosis is when cholesterol, fatty substances, and blood cells clog an artery due to increased arterial pressure. The most common cause of heart attacks is atherosclerosis. High blood pressure can also result in a stroke.
What causes it to happen?
The reasons for essential hypertension are unknown. Blood pressure can be raised by a variety of circumstances, including:
- Being overweight is a problem.
- Going to smoke
- consuming a high-salt diet
- consuming a large amount of alcohol
What are the signs and symptoms of hypertension?
One of the deceptive aspects of high blood pressure is that it can go unnoticed for an extended period. As a result, you must check your blood pressure at least once a year.
If you do experience symptoms, these could include:
- Headaches
- Easily being exhausted
- Drowsiness
- Sinus headaches
- Pain in the chest
- Breathing problems
A stroke may be the first sign; however, this is uncommon.
What is the treatment for hypertension?
If your blood pressure is higher than usual (prehypertension), you may be able to lower it without medication. Weight loss, dietary changes, and exercise may be your only therapeutic options. You may require further treatment if you also have diabetes.
When you first start taking medicine, make sure to:
- Take the medication regularly, just as directed.
- Any side effects should be reported to your doctor right once.
- Maintain regular contact with your healthcare provider.
It may be difficult to predict which drug or combination of drugs would work best for you at first. Finding the appropriate treatment for you could take weeks or months.
What is the duration of the effects?
High blood pressure may require treatment for the rest of your life. Proper treatment, however, can help you control your blood pressure and prevent or delay complications. If you already have issues, reducing your blood pressure may help lessen their consequences’ severity.
Give your heart a decent, regular activity to keep it young and energetic.
We all know how missing a single beat can have a negative influence on our health – a condition known as arrhythmia (irregular heartbeats). The heart is the only portion of the body that never stops pounding – it continues to beat nonstop after conception, whether we eat, sleep, exercise, feel anxious, or engage in any other activity. This muscular organ, about the size of a fist, pumps blood and oxygen to various body parts, assisting with everyday activities, healing, and other bodily functions. Heart disease can develop over time due to high fat intake, frequent drunkenness, smoking, high cholesterol, hypertension, or any other cause.
Maintaining cardiovascular health, however, may appear to be a daunting undertaking. That, however, is not the case. In truth, all it takes to maintain your heart healthy and promote lifespan is three simple daily activities that give you a wellness boost over time.
Concisely, keep in mind the WHO slogan: “Know your blood pressure, and if it’s excessive, get it treated.” Years are added to life by having a healthy heart.