Recycle Bin (Premium) or we can say Record restore manager product of SuiteCRM can quickly recover the deleted records in CRM. Nothing is complicated and time-consuming when you invest in this under-rated extension for your CRM Business. Do you know how important the Product is for your organization? Allow us to share a scenario:
Employee: Yesterday, I deleted a few most crucial records from the Leads module. It’s just by mistake.
Manager: So, how you gonna get back all those records? As I need all those in the coming days.
Employee: I researched about this and found a great Plugin to handle this. The product we need to adopt is SuiteCRM Recycle Bin (Premium).
Manager: Don’t you think we should discuss this with the technical CRM Developer or should search for other effective solutions?
Employee: The reason why we need to strive for this product is it restores all the records in just One-click only. Perhaps the developer takes time or I don’t think another solution can restore accidentally deleted records swiftly like this extension.
Manager: Okay! Let’s invest in this add-on and get back all the records that were deleted.
Have you understood the above conversation? Now you get to know why this add-on is so important for your CRM company?
If accidentally you delete any record from any module, you can restore it promptly via the Record Restore manager plugin. It saves time, money, and effort.
A Single Click Restoration Process here
We believe you have so many records to restore. And all you need to do is manually restore the records to work on that once again. But it would be intriguing if you restore swiftly and complete this whole operation faster.
Investing in this Extension lets you do this record restore process in just a single click. The product will not take a huge amount of time. In short, it can raise your work productivity too! Remember one thing: An Authorized user can do this record restore process. Not the whole company team can do this from your CRM.
When Installing SuiteCRM Recycle Bin (Premium) it can share all the crucial info to know. Suppose your Manager must know from which module the record was deleted by the team member. The Product will share this.
Even it will highlight when the record was deleted. Maybe you need such details for some reason. Ultimately, the records will be restored and get back to their original state. Like attached opportunities, documents, etc will be restored too.
Bonus: A user can even restore all those essential records that were deleted before this Product Installation. Yes, we are providing such ultimate functionalities to alleviate your efforts. For this, you need to go for the Premium version only.
The functionality of Mass Restore can help you
If you ever feel like One by one restoring is tedious work then this function may help you. You must be aware of “Mass Restore”.
Going with this enables you to restore plenty of records in a single time. The biggest advantage would be it saves your manual efforts. Use this functionality if any of your team members deleted bundles of records and you want to restore them quickly.
Want to Start with a Free Trial here?
We believe you must get in-depth about every dominant functionality of this add-on. Use it and get a 3 Day Risk-Free Trial. A Great way to understand the extension for your CRM Software.