Preparing your automobile for long-term storage might help you avoid significant problems that could cost you thousands of dollars when you return to driving. For one thing, while your car sits for weeks or months at a time, engine buildup is normal. This is where the myth of “starting your automobile once a week” originates.
In truth, starting your car and idling the engine does not warm up the hoses and other parts that require circulation. If you intend to have someone start your automobile, have them drive it for a few minutes first to thoroughly lubricate everything.
Regardless of your reason for being away from your vehicle, you’ll need to store it. If you are looking for Tyres Ponteland, contact us today!
The difference between not using your car for a few days and not used for six months is significant. Follow basic maintenance and service procedures to prepare your car for long-term storage. This will help to protect your car and allow you to utilise it again when you’re ready to remove it from storage.
Before You Store, a Vehicle, Follow These Guidelines. They Will Prolong the Engine’s Life and Ensure That Your Vehicle Starts When You Return.
Keep It Hidden:
A storage facility is an excellent place to keep your vehicle. This will protect against the elements and maintain a fairly consistent temperature. If you do not have access to a storage facility and can find reasonably priced storage, consider using a public storage facility. If you must leave your vehicle outside, apply a water-resistant auto cover to keep it nice and dry. A storage facility is an excellent place to keep a vehicle. This will protect it from the elements while also keeping it warm.
Clear It Out:
Although washing your car before storing it for months may appear unusual, it is a crucial method that should no longer disregard. Water spots or perhaps bird droppings can cause car paint to flake. Remove any dirt, grease, or tar from the wheels and fenders’ undersides. Apply a coat of wax to the car for added protection.
Replace the Oil:
If you’re only keeping the car for a few weeks, skip this step. If you plan to keep the car for longer than a month, you should have the oil changed. Because used engine oil contains pollutants, the Ford owner’s manual recommends taking this step.
Fill the Tank:
Another option for storing automobiles. If you plan on keeping the car for longer than a month, fill up the tank with fuel. Turn it off to prevent moisture from forming within the gasoline tank and the seals from drying out. Use a gas stabiliser to avoid ethanol buildup and protect the engine against acid, varnish, and oxidation. For more than a year, the fuel stabiliser will keep gasoline from degrading.
Maintain Its Charge:
Batteries that have not been used for a long time may gradually lose capacity. If feasible, have someone start the car and pressure it for 20 minutes every 2 weeks. Driving a car on a regular basis has a number of advantages. It will keep the battery charged, assist the vehicle to “stretch its legs,” and effectively lubricate the engine and other components.
Do Not Apply the Parking Brake:
When parking a car, however, it is not desirable to use the parking brake. If the brake pads are in touch with the rotors for an extended period of time, they may soften. Instead, purchase a tyre stopper, often known as a chock, which will stop the vehicle from moving.
Avoid Flat Spots:
Ascertain that your tyres are properly inflated to the proper pressure. If a car is motionless for an extended period of time, the tyres may develop flat patches as the weight of the car presses down on the imprints. This operation hastens in colder weather and cars with high-performance and low-profile tyres Ponteland.
Get Back to Work:
When it’s time to remove your vehicle from storage, follow this checklist:
- Examine the engine compartment for signs of rodents.
- Examine the wipers for broken or brittle rubber.
- Check the tyre pressure and fill the Tyres Ponteland to the manufacturer’s specifications.
- Check brakes for wear. The rotors could have developed rust. It should disappear after a few minutes of driving in most cases.
- Examine the fluids to ensure there is no leakage and that they are working properly.
- Make sure the battery connection to the battery and the battery wires are clean if they get disconnected.
- Wash your car to get rid of any grime that has gathered.
Preparing your car for long-term storage does not have to be frightening or difficult. Following the basic tips stated above will assist to guarantee that your automobile is in good condition and safe to drive when you return home. It should only take an hour or two to prepare everything, and if you do everything correctly, you should have a fully functional, engine-grime-free car that purrs like a kitten the first time you start it.
If you need a car repair, Meadowfield Auto Centre has a full auto repair and Continental Tyres Ponteland business where we can replace anything from bumper damage to suspension and everything in between.