A forex card is the best thing that could happen to a traveler. It is the easiest, safest, and quickest way to manage your money on your travels abroad. You can load it with the foreign currencies of your choice and travel the world without worrying about currency conversion charges. You can make bookings and payments at stores, airlines, restaurants, hotels, and petrol stations at minimal or zero extra charges. It also allows you to withdraw cash from any selected ATMs at a nominal withdrawal fee.
So, if you are a frequent traveler, it would be wise to buy a forex card from IndusForex. It offers the safest way to buy a multi-currency forex card that can be loaded with up to 14 foreign currencies at once. IndusForex is available 24×7, which means that you can buy or load your forex card anytime from anywhere. You can benefit from minimal documentation and faster delivery.
It is worth noting that while loading your forex card, you can avail yourself of unbeatable foreign exchange rates. It allows you to book your foreign exchange rate by paying only 5% as a token amount. You can pay the remaining amount within 24 hours. You can choose your delivery option based on your needs, you can collect it from a nearby IndusInd Bank branch or get it delivered to your address domestically.
How to get a forex card through IndusForex?
Follow the underlying steps to learn how to get a forex card in India:
Visit www.indusforex.indusind.com and click the Buy Now tab
Select your preferred currency from the available 14 options.
Enter your preferred amount and click on Get Rate.
Allow IndusForex to fetch the best foreign exchange rates for you based on live market data.
Login with your registered mobile number or register yourself with your Adhaar number or mobile number.
Fill in your details.
Allow Indusforex to run KYC checks.
Check your delivery option.
Book your forex rate by paying 5% as a token amount and pay the rest within 24 hours.
You will receive your forex card within 24 to 48 hours after final payment.