Fat Removal:
Nowadays, achieving a slim, sculpted, and smoothly shaped physique is something that is not easy for many people. This can only be achieved by sticking to a healthy diet and regular exercise routine. Well, that requires a lot of dedication and hard work.
However, in some cases when a person tries to follow these routines. Some stubborn fat appears across the body. Mostly this fat appears on areas like the thighs, tummy, upper arms. And love handles.
Following a healthy diet and exercise is a natural way to lose body fat, but they required a lot of patience. Those people who want to lose body fat rapidly can try classic fat reduction surgery. Fat Removal Treatment in Islamabad. Indeed, these treatments can be a little excessive but they will help you lose extra pounds.
Non-Invasive Fat Removal:
Non-Surgical or Non-invasive fat removal technologies are becoming famous as they do not involve side effects. They even have the least recovery time as compared to other traditional procedures. Nowadays, Non-invasive fat reduction is one of the most popular ways to remove fat and destroy cells from the body.
This treatment is non-surgical, unlike liposuction treatments. This treatment does not involve any needles or scalpels. No anesthetic is used after treatment recovery times.
Subcutaneous Fat Reduction:
Subcutaneous fat cells are present beneath the skin surface. This type of fat is the one that you can see. This part of fat is the one that often stops you from getting into your favorite pair of jeans. However, utilizing advanced technologies like radiofrequency and fat freezing, they are capable of breaking fat cells naturally. This method is effective compared to a standard gym workout.
Best Non-Surgical Fat Removal Treatment:
There are Non-Surgical way patient can remove their fat. This only requires a quick session during their break after work. Best Dermatologist in Islamabad. The best non-surgical way of fat removal treatment can provide effective results. This only takes less than thirty (30) minutes of time.
Following are the best non-invasive fat removal treatment:
It is one of the world’s most famous non-surgical fat removal techniques. It is also considered the most effective technique. This technique is also known as Fat Freezing Treatment. It uses innovative cryo lipolysis technology that breaks down fat cells by an applicator. These applicator freezes fat cells and kill them.
Best for:
This treatment works best across the complete range of body areas such as the stomach, legs, love handles, back, and knees. Moreover, it is capable of treating 13 areas of the body, making it one of the most comprehensive non-invasive fat removal procedures.
Cool Mini:
It is considered one of the most perfect non-invasive fat treatments. This treatment targets stubborn areas of fat that are sometimes neglected. Thin areas such as chin, knees, and ankles. If a person is suffering from Zoom face, weight gain around the jawline.
This method is perfect for destroying troublesome fat cells. It aims for double chins, bra fat rolls, and others to sculpt your body back into shape without any hard effort.
Best for:
It is the ideal technology if you are having trouble with fat build-ups in some troublesome areas. These areas can be underneath the chin and around the ankles.