As cat owners, of course, want to see our pets healthy, active, and agile. The reason is, cats are just like humans, who can experience problems with their health, and ultimately have an impact on their activities. One of the common problems in cats is a limp cat. These limp cats are usually because they lose their appetite or avoid food for more than 24 hours.
Loss of appetite in cats, also known as anorexia. It can even be a sign of another serious underlying disease. There are a variety of causes for a limp cat not wanting to eat, including toothache, kidney, cat flu, diabetes, lack of protein, fever, hyperthyroidism, and pancreatitis.
If your cat stops eating, he will need additional fluids. The liquid can be administered by mouth using a pipette. Immediately consult a veterinarian, if deemed an emergency situation.
In order not to go wrong, the following will review the causes of limp cats do not want to eat along with how to overcome it. Reporting from PetsLicious, see the full review below.
Cat Won’t Eat
The most common underlying reason a cat won’t eat is due to illness. However, this does not mean that nothing else affects their appetite.
Therefore, you should monitor Cat carefully. The sooner the cause is identified, the sooner treatment begins so that the cat can feel better.
Usually the vet will ask about the cat’s medical history. You’ve recently noticed other signs, such as weight loss or vomiting.
When the cat stops eating, you can try to get him to exercise. When they are hungry, but still do not eat for some reason. In this case, Cat shows interest in food and sometimes tries to eat.
But cats choose to give up or sometimes run backwards, can also be no longer interested in food.
The veterinarian will examine the cat by conducting a clinical examination. Because there are many possible causes for a limp cat not wanting to eat. Sometimes it even takes a number of tests to find out what’s going on, such as blood tests, urine tests, X-rays, or ultrasound.
Various reasons that may cause limp cats do not want to eat, quoted from Hillcrest Animals include:
- Toothache, broken tooth.
- Infections or injuries that can make eating or chewing painful.
- Inflammation of the gums.
- Abscess.
- Oral tumors.
- Gastrointestinal problems: including parasites, colitis, gastroenteritis, or cancer.
- Kidney disease
- Pancreatitis
- Digestive obstruction, indigestion.
- Constipation.
- Vaccination or treatment that has just been completed.
- Anxiety, stress, or depression: including major changes to the cat’s routine at home.
- New food.
- Metabolism may slow down, especially in older cats.
- Feeling full or overwhelmed.
How To Deal With Limp Cat Won’t Eat
The most important thing you can do is talk to your veterinarian as early as possible. In addition, there are some simple short-term steps that can be done at home. Like giving Cat something that stimulates his appetite, try giving canned sardines or liver. But be sure to give in moderation.
Treatment for a cat that does not want to eat, depends on the underlying reason. In case of loss of appetite due to toothache, they need tooth extraction under general anesthesia.
But if it is caused by suffering from anorexia due to illness. Need treatment and depends on the diagnosis. Treatment may include intravenous fluids to correct dehydration, antibiotics if an infection is suspected, antiemetics (anti-vomiting drugs) and stomach protectors.
It’s another matter when the cat has eaten something foreign like a rubber band or ribbon. Cat will try to spit it out himself. But if it hasn’t worked, sometimes surgery can be done.
There are several things you can try to find out if the cat starts eating again, such as:
- Considering that stress can be the cause, make sure their plate is in A Quiet Place.
- Check to see that Cat’s food and water bowls are clean.
- Give the cat wet food or baby food from meat.
- Try moistening their solid food with liquid from a can of tuna or juiced.
- Cats do not like cold food, so you can try to warm it first. Be sure to stir, to avoid uneven overheating of the area.