Many start-up marketing agencies want to expand their services. This article is for you if you’re one of these agencies. SEO reselling is a great way for agencies to provide top-quality SEO services to clients. Outsourcing SEO is a popular choice for marketers because it allows them to get the job done quickly by a white label provider. In return, they can brand the services as theirs.
Three ways a marketing agency could offer its services to clients are: (1) In-House SEO Specialists, hiring a team that can work with clients and provides SEO services to them. This is, however, expensive for some because of the $60,000 annual salary for an entry-level SEO specialist. (2) SEO Contractor, also known as an SEO consultant, can be a bit more expensive than the previous option. An average consultant gets paid $170 per hour. (3) Lastly, the White Label SEO Provider is an economical option and offers SEO white label services and reseller programs at a fraction of the cost of hiring consultants.
Many SEO companies find it beneficial to partner with white-label SEOs. A white label SEO partner can save a company time and money without hiring staff. It also offers complete services that benefit your marketing agency and current and future clients.
Services Available Through SEO Reselling
The site is often the first thing that gets optimized for search engines. Keyword research is what many people call on-page SEO. This allows you to identify high-searched and low-competition keywords. These keywords can be used to create Meta titles and Meta Descriptions for website content. The Off-page services mainly focus on website links, such as white label link building, backlink profile audits, brand reputation management, and so on.
Understanding how SEO reselling can work for a marketing agency is vital. Because of the varying quality levels an agency can offer, background checks are essential to ensure quality for what one is willing to pay for.
Here’s theW infographic created by White Label SEO Agency to learn more.