Like many people, you may enjoy bidding on items through online auctions. While it’s always fun to win, you may be wishing your success rate for placing the winning bid was a bit higher. If you think online bidding comes down to luck and luck only, you are wrong. If you have a well-developed strategy before you go online and start bidding, you can come out on top much more often than you thought possible. If you’re ready to send the competition packing, here are five tips to help you secure the goods at your next online auction.
Have a Maximum Bid
Before you start bidding, always know what your maximum bid will be for the item. By doing this beforehand, you won’t find yourself getting too caught up in a bidding war for an item that quickly gets overpriced. This is especially important if you’re bidding for high-ticket items like cars. Though there are amazing sites to keep your bidding in check, like TransportBids, the last thing you need is to go into more debt than planned. Always keep your maximum in mind!
Keep Your Emotions in Check
If you get too attached to an item you’re bidding on or start to let your anger surface if another bidder is outbidding you, you’re sure to lose in the end. Instead, stay objective and focused, remember your maximum bid, and make your competitor sweat it out until the end.
Bid at Certain Times of the Day
To win at online bidding, place your bids at certain times of the day, especially those times when most people are busy with other things. For example, try bidding early in the morning when people are getting ready for work, in the late afternoon when people are on their evening commute home, or late at night after most people have gone to bed.
Bid an Unusual Amount
When most people place their online bids, they usually bid a standard amount, such as $100. However, if you place a bid for an unusual amount, say $100.09, chances are you may find yourself winning much more than in the past since it can be those few extra pennies that make all the difference.
Wait Until the Very End
If you have nerves of steel, try waiting until the auction is almost over to place a bid. Should you bid too early, this lets everyone else know you are interested in the item up for bid. By waiting until there are only a few seconds left, you can place a buzzer-beater bid and walk away a winner.
When you participate in your next online auction and use these various strategies, the competition will soon be wondering how you went from being an out-run bidder to one who always comes out on top. Remember, it’s simple changes that can make the world of difference. From bidding an unusual amount to staying calm—keep these tips in mind to score big!