Dental health should be prioritised as early as possible in childhood. It all starts with proper dental hygiene, regular teeth brushing and understanding why people brush their teeth. If kids learn that all people do it, from parents, friends, grandparents and everyone else in the world, they’ll view it as something they should do as well. This will certainly lower the risk of having oral health issues later on. However, there are still chances of having one of the most common dental health issues so parents should be aware of the following.
Thumb sucking is not that harmless
Children suck their thumb when they are babies and usually stop this habit entirely on their own.
This is a self-pacifying habit and it gives them reassurance and a sense of soothing when they’re sleepy or need comforting. Something that starts as a way for kids to self-soothe can be a problem later on as it can negatively affect their teeth. Thumb sucking can impact teeth growing, particularly teeth alignment. Thumb sucking or extensive pacifier use can lead to teeth misalignment, open bite, and crossbite, so parents should not let their children do it past the toddler age.
Teeth grinding
It’s easy to miss out on this one because it isn’t as easily detectable. Teeth grinding is common in kids equally as it is in older people. This condition is known as bruxism and it can occur both during the day but it’s more common during the night. If children continue with such practice even after the teething stage and it continues during early childhood, it’s a clear sign. Teeth grinding can negatively affect their sleep quality, and energy levels, and harm children’s teeth. The most common solution to this problem is a mouth guard, but your dentist will suggest the best solution.
Bad breath
Often, bad breath is a sign of poor oral hygiene which kids are known for. This is because they can’t understand the importance of oral hygiene, besides it being something parents force kids to do. But, if the child regularly brushes their teeth and bad breath is still present, it might be a sign of something else. Tooth decay, gum problems, sinusitis or even certain medication can be the cause of bad breath. But, it can also be a sign of halitosis, which is a health condition caused by mouth bacteria.
Lip sucking
Kids do engage in a variety of cute sucking behaviour, they suck their thumb, their toe, and every toy they put their hands on. While some are just a phase during their teething stage, because it provides relief for their itchy jaw, others can lead to teeth misalignment. The reason your child might be sucking their lower lip can be their teeth. If teeth are misaligned and there’s an overbite, kids will get into the habit of lip-sucking. Pay attention to those cute little habits because they can lead to teeth misalignment later on.
You might be surprised how common cavities are at a young age. The main reason is poor oral hygiene, which kids are known to skip because they view it as a chore. If you want to prevent cavities from an early age, you should get familiar with the best dentistry for children practices as soon as you can. First of all, look for a skilled children’s dentist who is compassionate and kind, because kids can suffer from dental anxiety. This isn’t surprising especially during their first visit to the doctors, even if it is their first checkup. A good dentist will help kids build positive memories so they won’t associate going to the dentist with negative emotions or a negative experience. Nonetheless, if kids have cavities at an early age, by going regularly to a children’s dentist you’ll fix existing cavities and prevent future ones from happening with proper care and dental hygiene.
Teeth sensitivity
Kids can also experience teeth sensitivity. This can be due to untreated tooth decay, teeth grinding, enamel wear and tear, cracked tooth or lost filling. Orthodontic treatment can also be to blame because these can be painful, at least in the beginning. Since there are multiple causes and different treatment for each, the best course of action is to take the child to a dentist. A professional will easily recognise a problem and suggest the best and painless solution to any existing teeth sensitivity.
Orthodontic treatment
Kids often begin their orthodontic treatment in their childhood. This is the best time for orthodontic treatment because it’s easier to achieve proper teeth alignment and ensure long-term results. Also, it ensures kids or teens can smile with confidence and never suffer because their teeth are misaligned.
So, if your kid has misaligned teeth, overbite or underbite, overcrowded teeth or any other problem that is solved with orthodontic treatment, it’s best to start the treatment as early as possible. Usually, it’s around the age of seven or eight.
Inflamed gums
Inflamed gums are also known as gingivitis and can be a sign of poor oral hygiene. If a child has inflamed gums it can, later on, cause gum disease and other dental health issues. Even though it’s a sign of poor oral hygiene, it can be prevented from further progression by adopting quality teeth brushing and flossing habits. Kids should be taught how to properly brush their teeth to avoid a myriad of dental health issues currently and later on in life.
Dental Anxiety
Dental anxiety or fear of going to the dentist can be quite strong in young children, especially if it is their first time. However, if that fear continues, later on, it’s a clear sign of the existing dental anxiety. It’s best to start addressing this fear early on so kids won’t avoid going to the dentist as they grow older. All of us should go to the dentist twice a year, so we can keep our teeth healthy and treated in time.
These nine oral health problems are most common in children and you’ll have no trouble recognising everyone. All of them are easily recognisable by simply visiting your children’s dentist.