PCOS and PCOD are two of the most used terms for fertility. These two conditions make it difficult for the women to conceive naturally, or it can take more time. Both the problems are becoming a common issue among women affecting their overall health. Due to this condition, the women’s ovaries and body won’t function the right way it needs to be. If you are struggling with this condition, then better consult the doctor at one of the best IVF Centre in Punjab to make your conception journey go in the right direction. PCOD is a condition that affects the hormonal level in the body, and genetics may be one of the major culprits in this condition.
Do you notice?
Changes in the menstrual cycle, extreme hair fall, acne, obesity, skin darkening, abnormal hair growth, and unwanted symptoms. With these conditions, you must get hold of the medical expert at the earliest.
Are you dealing with PCOD?
Get yourself the right treatment plan by scheduling your initial consultation at the Test Tube Baby Centre In Punjab and to know under the expertise of a doctor what’s right for your condition.
How does PCOD affects fertility?
Due to PCOD, the pituitary gland releases the hormones named LH in the body. It is difficult for the eggs to mature, and ovulation won’t happen. The situation does not get addressed, and there are high chances of having cysts.
Moreover, the insulin level is abnormal in the blood. So, PCOD affects fertility in the following ways:
- An abnormal level of LH prevents ovulation
- Abnormal level of insulin gets combined, resulting in a high level of LH
Are there any risks with PCOD?
There are some risks that come along with PCOD like type 2 diabetes, cholesterol issues, high blood pressure, endometrial cancer, and irregular periods which lead to weight gain.
How is PCOS diagnosed?
Initially, the doctor will perform a physical examination, do different tests and then make sure to give you the necessary treatment plan. To make the diagnosis the doctor will do the following:
- Oral Interrogation
- Test to check the hormone levels in the body
- Blood tests
- Check the thyroid and progesterone level
Which are the conditions that can help with PCOD?
There are certain measures that you can take to help yourself with PCOD, and this includes:
Having a balanced diet exercise daily
Do not have processed and unhealthy food
Limit coffee intake
Start meditation to help with the stress level
Here are some medications that the doctor might suggest to help you with this condition:
- Diabetes medications like metformin
- Fertility medications to stimulate ovulation
- Surgery
- Anti-androgens drugs
- Contraceptive pills
Can I change my diet to resolve PCOD?
If you have this condition, then better follow the given diet plan to manage the situation in all the right ways. You need to include vegetables, fruits, legumes, curd, paneer, flax seeds, olive oil, fish oil, ghee, rice bran oil, walnuts, soaked nuts, and sesame. It’s better to have 5 to 6 short meals in a day.
Additionally, you should not have any kind of toxins like preservatives, artificial flavors, & color, or pesticides. Most importantly, exercise daily and don’t take the stress.
Do you have any doubts?
Schedule your initial consultation at Gomti Thapar Hospital to plan for your pregnancy journey the right way and get all the right suggestions.