Is it possible that foods can help people with erectile dysfunction stay straight?
Recent studies show that about one-third of all men have erectile dysfunction (ED). This makes ED the most common sexual problem in men. There are a number of drugs on the market that are meant to make erections stronger, but there are also a number of foods that may help men get and keep stronger erections. If you have serious ED condition then must try Vidalista 80.
- Food can help improve erections because the swelling of the penis is caused by both mental and physical processes. Specifically, a man’s mind and body go through the following steps when he gets an erection:
- He feels and thinks things, which makes his brain send signals to the nerves in and around his penis. If you h
- The messages from the nerves relax the muscles in the corpora cavernosa. The muscles around the penis’s shaft and head are part of the corpora cavernosa. When they are calm, blood can flow in more easily.
- The spaces inside the penis are then filled with blood, which makes it grow bigger and straighter.
- The blood in the penis stays there because of a membrane called the tunica albuginea that wraps around the corpora cavernosa. This helps keep the penis up.
- Even though the nerves are the first thing to start relaxing the smooth muscles in the penis, nitric oxide is a very important part of the process. Nitric oxide controls how blood flows and how tight smooth muscles are, including those in the penis.
So, each of these foods has at least one of the following advantages:
- Make blood flow better
- Contain nitric oxide
- Arginine is a building block for nitric oxide.
- Here are some foods that can help you stay straight and help your treatment for erectile dysfunction work better.
1. A watermelon
- Watermelon has citrulline, which is another chemical that makes nitric acid. It is a good food for getting an erection because it widens and relaxes the blood vessels, making it easier for blood to flow into the penis.
- Because it has citrulline, watermelon is like other healthy foods for the penis, like cucumber, bitter melons, and gourds. If you are looking for instant ED cure then try Toptada 10.
2. Spinach and other greens with leaves
- Spinach has a lot of nitric oxide, so, like other foods that help with hard erections, it helps the arteries open up and fill with blood.
- In a study, serving spinach in a soup with onions, low-sodium chicken broth, and black pepper made a big difference in how much nitrate the people ate, but only added 94 calories to their diets.
- The nitrates in spinach and other green, leafy foods that help you get an erection, like kale and arugula, are good for your whole vascular system, not just your penis.
3. Coffee
- Coffee is another food that helps the penis grow. It has less than five calories, at least before you add sugar and cream, so it is one of the lightest foods that help with erectile dysfunction.
- A study found that men with erectile dysfunction were less likely to drink between 170 and 375 milligrammes (mg) of caffeine each day, which is about two to three cups. Caffeine is a good penis food because it relaxes the smooth muscles of the penis, making it easier for blood to flow into it.
4. Dark Chocalate
- Dark chocolate is a great food for a strong erection because it is full of flavanols, which make it easier for blood to flow through the body. But eating too much dark chocolate can make you gain weight because it often has a lot of sugar and fat.
- An ounce of dark chocolate has 155 calories and 9 grammes of fat, so it may not be the healthiest choice among foods that help get an erection.
5. Salmon
- Because it is high in vitamin D, salmon is one of the best foods to help you get an erection. About 80% of vitamin D comes from being in the sun, so if you can’t go outside as much as you’d like, eating salmon can help you get what you need.
- Vitamin D help to prevent endothelial dysfunction, which is when your arteries, blood vessels, and organs aren’t able to circulate blood properly.
- Vitamin D supplements may be especially important in places where it’s cloudy a lot or where winters are long. At the end of summer, vitamin D levels in England and its neighboring countries are 50% higher than at the end of winter.
- In these kinds of weather, eating salmon may give your body what it needs to get and keep an erection.
6. Pistachios
Pistachios are full of arginine, which makes them a great food for people who want their penis to grow. The arginine helps make nitric oxide, which in turn helps control blood flow to the penis and other parts of the body.
7. Nuts like almonds, walnuts, and more
- High-density lipoprotein (HDL), also called “good cholesterol,” is found in nuts like almonds, walnuts, and many others.
- Bad cholesterol is carry back to the liver by good cholesterol.
- When bad cholesterol gets stuck in your arteries and blood vessels, it stops blood from getting to your organs, including your penis.
- Eating walnuts, almonds, and other nuts gives your body what it needs to move bad cholesterol to your liver, where it can broke down and thrown away as waste.
8. Oranges and Blueberries
- Oranges and blueberries are the best foods that help with erectile dysfunction.
- Even though oranges, blueberries, and dark chocolate seem to have little in common, they all have one thing in common: they are full of flavonoids. Because of this, they are one of the best foods for ED. Flavonoids help the blood flow, which makes it possible for the penis to fill up after it has been stimulated.
- In a study done by Oxford University, flavonoid-rich foods reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction by 9–11%.
9. Hot and spicy foods
- Because hot peppers have capsaicin, a little hot sauce or a habanero on the side may help you get an erection. Researchers in France found that men with higher levels of testosterone ate more spicy foods.
- Other studies have also shown that the symptoms of low testosterone in men are directly link to how easy it is to get and keep an erection.
- If you have ED, you might want to eat a lot of the foods on this list. When you’re aroused, they can make it easier for your body to send blood to your penis. They may also help your organs and the rest of your circulatory system, making you healthier all around.
- If you’re having problems and want to know more about how to treat erectile dysfunction in Cincinnati, call the staff at Proactive Men’s Medical Center right away to make an appointment to talk to their experienced and specially trained medical staff. We are the best clinic for men, and we offer ED therapy, PE therapy, hormone therapy, and a lot more.