How many hours should candidates study for IIT-JEE? We should not pressure him because every candidate has his ability. Some can study for 2 hours and some for 4 hours. It all happens according to the capability of the candidates. The most important thing here is that you need to study diligently and honestly. Let me say that you need to concentrate on your studies. Whatever you learn, do it with entire focus and concentration. If we tell you other words when you should not study
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When not studying for IIT-JEE preparation.
I will explain why you shouldn’t study for the IIT-JEE in the list that follows.
- It would help if you never studied when you were feeling sleepy. If you feel tired, then you take the needle. Good sleep is very beneficial for you. IIT-JEE toppers sleep must ensure you get at least 7-8 hours.
- Never study while watching TV and on your mobile phone. It will cause you to lose attention. You won’t be able to pick up any knowledge. Learning in this manner is useless.
- Keep your hobbies aside so that you can study well. If you can’t let go of your grieving, allocate some time in the week to your pursuits. It would help if you didn’t study while thinking about your favourite sport or activity.
- Never kill the voice of your mind. Study only when both your mind and body are ready to study.
How many hours you need to study
How many hours of study are needed to crack IIT-JEE like we have told you about when not to study? So that you will know when you do not have to learn. And you can save 4 hours for your self-study, except for the coaching time. So you can crack JEE.
You can get a good grade by studying for 5–6 hours. You need to learn these 5–6 hours with dedication and sincerity.
Make Your Study Time Table.
You have to make a timetable to know what time you have to study and which subject you must learn for how long. And follow your schedule, honestly. The plan is essential for your IIT JEE preparation.
7-8 hours of sleep is enough for JEE students.
The IIT-JEE exam is competitive. IIT-JEE toppers sleep 7–8 hours is enough for the candidates. Who wants to and is ready to take the IIT-JEE. They need to get good sleep. If you sleep well, your mind will feel fresh and energized. You’ll also be able to study effectively. You should complete your course within a maximum of 8 months. Make revisions regularly. Solve the previous year’s question paper.
Solved MCQ Test
MCQ questions need to be solved. The more you solve MCQs, the better it will be for you. The more you solve MCQs, the more you will get fluency. It lets you know about your shortcomings. You will see where you are taking it after giving the MCQ test. You will learn from this how many questions are asked about various topics and how long it takes to answer each one. And in which subject are you facing problems in solving the questions? Treat MCQs as an exam as you are giving an exam. If you do this, you will get to know the pattern of the exam.
Whatever we have told you in this article, I hope you liked it. This article tells you how many hours do IIT-JEE toppers sleep. If you are looking for the best institute for IIT JEE preparation in Yamuna Vihar, Delhi, you can get information by clicking on this link, which will help you prepare for the IIT JEE. Read what we have told you and find out how many hours the IIT JEE topper sleeps.