Putting checks into your bank account is always more exciting than writing them out. But, if your name is spelled incorrectly on a check, it can cause hiccups when you try to cash or deposit the check. Don’t despair though, there are provisions for this kind of thing!
Hey, It Happens!
Great Aunt Edna is generous, but she calls you Katie instead of Kathy and your birthday check proves it. You did some side work for a neighbor and the check for supply reimbursement has your name spelled slightly incorrectly. These are common mistakes that can easily happen when someone is writing a check. It may not be anything to panic about, but a trip to your favorite bank branch will be the ultimate factor.
Banks Are Cautious And Reasonable
Naturally, when it comes to financial transactions the preference of banks is that everything is nice and tidy. That said, a small mistake like a letter or two off in your name isn’t the end of the world. In most cases, you’ll just have to show ID that proves you are who the check says you are- even if it’s not spelled quite right. Remember that part about going to your favorite bank branch? This kind of thing is much easier dealt with when you’re working with people who know and have an established business relationship with you.
For personal checks, this is usually not a big deal. The bank may ask to see your ID and they will likely make a note in your account about the misspelling if anything at all. For business checks or any check over a certain amount, the process may be a little more involved. The teller or banker you talk to will likely need to consult with a supervisor and the whole process of verifying the identity of the check’s recipient may take some time.
Consult Your Bank First
Some people suggest crossing out the incorrect info, penning in the correction, and then initialing next to it. This may or may not be necessary, but don’t do anything until you’re at the bank and get instructions directly from your banker. Each bank has its own policies and methods for handling these kinds of situations and you wouldn’t want to mess up your chances for an easy fix. With fraud on the rise, banks are using more caution than ever and utilizing an entity extraction tool for an extra layer of security.
While you may not have to worry about your check being outright rejected for minor name spelling errors, it’s always best practice to make sure that a check issuer has your correct name spelling. Keeping in mind that your bank’s policies are in place as a protection for you, it’s easier to understand when extra steps might be necessary to overcome an error.