The UPSC Civil Services examination includes a section on current events. Questions based on current events are asked in all parts of the exam: prelims, mains, and interviews. You’re all aware that current events are fast-paced and can put anyone under a lot of stress. It is incredibly large and provides a level playing field for everyone because it changes every year. The number of months of current events necessary for the UPSC IAS Exam is often misunderstood by UPSC applicants. They receive several bits of advice from various sources, such as 6 months, 1 year, 1.5 years, 2 years, and so on. In this article, you will read how many months of current affairs for UPSC are required for exam 2022 and how to prepare for this section:
How many months of current affairs are important?
In the civil services test, IAS current affairs are quite important. Not just the preliminary examinations, but also the main examinations and interviews, are all based on current events. Even the elective studies include a substantial component of current events. For the UPSC prelims or mains test, one year’s worth of current affairs is usually necessary. In order to study for the UPSC, you’ll need roughly 9 months to study current affairs vision IAS.
Depending on your preparation plan, an 8-9 month period may appear to be longer or shorter. There are 100 questions in the UPSC Prelims General Studies paper. You will be asked 20 questions from each paper of the Mains in addition to these hundred questions. There are four GS papers for UPSC Mains. In your Mains paper, you will be asked 80 questions in total. With the Prelims and Mains papers combined, that’s a total of 180 questions. It should be your first priority to answer the 180 questions straight from current affairs that have been posted during the last nine months.
Tips to cover current affairs:
There are numerous newspapers and books available on the market. It is critical to read the appropriate newspapers. Don’t waste your time reading newspapers with information on Page 3, socialites, or gossip because it won’t help you prepare. Stick to one newspaper instead of others since your preparation will be more concentrated and you will save your most valuable resource, time. Many successful applicants have previously preferred to read publications such as The Hindu, which publishes great editorials on every topic that a potential civil service candidate should be aware of. You have to buy important and syllabus-related current affairs book for UPSC.
For UPSC Current Affairs preparation, there are a plethora of journals and periodicals accessible on the market. Don’t overload yourself with too many periodicals from the market, once again. Stick to a few magazines that have an established track record of offering accurate information with a thorough analysis. You can download the recent current affairs for UPSC pdf and start study on the topics.
Notes – Make it a Habit:
Above all, remember to take notes on your analysis of the topics you’ve studied. Make certain that you also write your analysis. When you’re nearing the end of your preparation and the examinations are approaching quickly, taking notes will be really beneficial.
Make sure you revise the themes from your notes on a regular basis. This is an important feature that will aid you in remembering large volumes of information. Continue to revise your notes on a regular basis. As you continue to gain more and more relevant information and knowledge, this will assist you in connecting different themes.
Limit your Sources:
You have to limit yourself to today’s current affairs UPSC sources; this will not only assist you in obtaining high-quality material and analysis, but it will also offer you more time and bandwidth to explore other UPSC syllabi.
Thus, the above-mentioned are the tips to cover current affairs. Hope this article helps you. All The Best!