Do you ever wish your railing looked more like a true metal balustrade? Is it difficult to find that perfect metal balustrade for your home? Do you want something that complements your home’s design instead of looking out of place?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, you’ve come to the right place. You see, balustrades are a great way to get the look and feel of a true balustrade without the difficulty and cost.
Balustrades are handcrafted metal staircases, ladders, and handrails complement any home’s interior or exterior. They can be made from various materials like metal, wood, and stone, but the most crucial part is that they all have one thing in common: They all look great.
Balustrades come in various styles and sizes, but there are a few essential things that you need to know about before you order your first one.
What is a balustrade?
A balustrade is a handrail, handbars, and handholds used to support and support another piece of furniture, wall art, or any structural panel. Balustrades are often paired with handrails to form a seamless and unified whole. They can also be used alone to create a more decorative look.
How to Determine if Your Balustrade is Right for You
There are many types of balustrades, and the most common ones are the safety balustrade, the classic fixed balustrade, and the self-raising balustrade. A safety balustrade is often used in walls and doors with children, who should always be supervised when using them. A fixed balustrade is excellent for making an entrance or for someone who wants to look down on you from above.
The Right Stance for a Balustrade
An excellent way to determine the right style for your balustrade is to stand on it and look down on it. Ideally, you’d have a Balustrade stand before you to see what it looks like from all angles.
If you’re on a budget and don’t have a Balustrade stand to hand, you can always sit or lie on the balustrade and look down at the ground in front of you.
The essential factor in choosing the proper stance for your balustrade is how you want to use it. If you plan to sit or lie on the balustrade, you’ll want to make sure that the style you choose is comfortable, doesn’t require a significant amount of upkeep, and will enhance the beauty of your room or landscape.
The Best Way to Install a Balustrade
The best way to install a balustrade is probably the way you’d install a granite, limestone, or wooden kitchen countertop, too. First, you’ll need to identify what type of countertop you have. If your countertop is made of clay or terra cotta, you may have to pre-cut the clay or terra cotta to size to fit around the countertop and walls. If you have a gas or electric fireplace, it’s best first to turn off the fireplace and test the fireplace wall outlet to see if there’s a gas leak or fire damage. If the wall outlet is intact, you can plug in the gas fireplace and test the porosity of the walls to see if they need filling for the fireplace to work correctly. If you have a gas or electric fireplace, you may want to consider installing a sidewall from the get-go to save yourself from having to fill in the walls later on when something unexpected comes up. If your countertop is stone or metal, the process is a little trickier. These materials are usually quite thick, so you’ll need to hack out a section of the wall or use structural foam to cushion the blow. Once you’ve located the source of your countertop troubles and patched it up, you can turn your attention to the remaining problems in your kitchen.
And that’s it. You now know how to get the perfect metal balustrade for your home. Whether you want a fixed balustrade or a self-raising one, this article can find the perfect one for you. So, get ready to update your kitchen accents with the best balustrade in the industry.