As we know, having a good spelling is important throughout schooling and even later in the world of work. Best Online IELTS Coaching Classes In Chandigarh Mohali everyone can progress from the moment the desire and the will are there.
Here are 5 tips to help your child progress quickly in spelling.
1. Take stock of your level
Identifying your difficulties helps to overcome them. What types of mistakes does your child make? What is his problem? Conjugations, grammar, agreement of past participles? Or is it the very nature of words?
To do this, take the dictations and controls with your child and try to understand where the errors come from: mistakes of inattention, Online IELTS Coaching In Chandigarh Mohali uncontrolled grammar rules, bad memory…
Your child can also ask for help from his French teacher, Best Online IELTS Coaching Classes In Chandigarh Mohali he knows his difficulties and will be better able to advise you.
Online Classes, such as this one from the Office Québécois de la langue française.
Finally, if your child really has great difficulties it is necessary to rule out any DYS disorders such as dyslexia and dysorthography, Best Online IELTS Coaching Classes In Chandigarh Mohali which require specific care.
2. Read it again
This is advice that teachers often repeat and it is essential!
Proofreading makes it possible to track down mistakes.
You have to read it carefully, two or three times, allowing a little time to pass between each rereading. The idea is to focus on each sentence and check the chords, grammar and then conjugation.
3. Read, over and over again
Reading regularly allows you to visualize the words and therefore to improve your spelling.
The more your child reads, the more he will be able to memorize the words and then the rules and logic of the language.
If they don’t understand what they’re reading, advise them to equip themselves with a highlighter to highlight vocabulary they don’t understand. Then, Best Online IELTS Coaching Classes In Chandigarh Mohali it is up to him to get into the habit of checking the definitions using a dictionary or the internet.
It could also be made a “spelling book” where we note the words that pose difficulty as well as the rules to remember. The goal is to keep track of what you learn and to reread the notebook regularly.
4. Train often
You have to write and do exercises often. Specialized applications exist to practice by doing dictations and quizzes such as Alorthographe, Voltaire Project and Bescherelle.
A good way to learn while having fun!
5. Take private lessons
Who better than a private teacher to teach your child to write correctly in French?
Instead, use a specialized and state-approved organization such as Matelem, where a pedagogical advisor is dedicated to you throughout the service. It is at your disposal to inform and advise you in your choices; Best Online IELTS Coaching Classes In Chandigarh Mohali he takes care to select the most qualified teacher, according to your profile and your needs.