Amblyopia Means
Amblyopia is a significant eye disorder that impairs vision. It is also known as lazy eye or sluggish vision. When the eye and brain are not operating properly together, lazy eyes can happen, causing vision to be impaired in one (or sometimes both) of the eyes.
One eye of a child with amblyopia is blurry, while the other eye is clear. The brain begins to use only the eye with clear vision while ignoring the other eye. The eye weakens and loses its ability to see when the brain begins to ignore the images the healthy eye is seeing (sharpness). The end result is still hazy eyes that don’t acquire normal vision and aren’t connected to the brain properly.
Why does amblyopia occur?
Even while amblyopia doesn’t manifest physically, it does have obvious symptoms, some of which include:
- Strabismus amblyopia: An imbalance in the muscles that position the eyes.
- Refractive amblyopia: Lazy eye can be caused by a substantial discrepancy in each eye’s prescription, which is sometimes caused by nearsightedness, sometimes by farsightedness, or sometimes by a neven surface curve of the eye (astigmatism).
- Deprivation: A condition with one eye, such as a cataract, can prevent that eye from having clear vision.
How to Treat Adult Lazy Eye: Treatment
- Vision treatment: A person’s visual abilities can be improved through a series of exercises and activities known as vision therapy. When a person has amblyopia, vision therapy aids in the development of binocular vision. As it treats the underlying cause of amblyopia, this is the most successful course of action.
- Glasses: Binocular vision can be made better with the use of prescription lenses. The proper lens prescription is essential, as we’ve mentioned in a previous piece, as it’s crucial to have a prescription that improves binocular vision.
- Using eye patches: In some circumstances, it may be necessary to force the weaker eye to function by obstructing or fogging the stronger eye with specialized lenses, an eye patch, or eye drops.
How Much Does a Lazy Eye Repair Cost?
Depending on the severity of the condition and insurance coverage, the overall cost of therapy for a lazy eye will vary. Most programs for vision therapy last 6 to 9 months.
In case you need help, our best eye specialists are experienced in correcting amblyopia.
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