Architectural steel, more commonly known as structural steel, has been used in construction for a very long. Though it was necessary, it was more likely to be covered by plasterboard or brickwork. Nowadays, architects are increasingly choosing architectural steelwork in construction to make the building look more aesthetically pleasing. The steelworks such as RSJs and steel framework give an illusion of space and light, which adds a wow factor to the building.
Structural steelwork has become an architectural statement. Whether it is a retail outlet, residential apartment or hotel, construction companies prefer structural steel because of its durability, strength along with aesthetics. It is one of the best materials and the ideal choice used in the construction industry.
Benefits of Using Structural Steel
- Structural steel has the power to resist external forces such as wind or natural calamity. Steel is flexible and versatile hence; it may bend due to external force but will not break.
- They are cost-effective and time-effective. This is because steel structures are ready-made and are assembled on the industrial site. Hence it can directly be erected on the construction site in no time, saving time, energy, and money.
- Steel is a tensile metal, which means it has a high strength-to-weight ratio. This implies that they can withstand the fleet of cars and people. Therefore, it is the best choice for building large, monumental bridges, and parking garages that can stand the test of time.
- They are light in weight. Thus, it becomes easier to construct structures.
Disadvantage of Structural
One disadvantage of using steel is they lose strength when exposed to intense heat. To overcome this disadvantage, steel structures are coated using heat-resistant material that is also corrosion, mould, and rodent resistant.
Commercial Vs Industrial Structural Steel
The steel used for commercial purposes is malleable, ductile and soft making it easier for architecture to fabricate it into different shapes and sizes without losing its structural integrity. Commercial steel is cheap and has a relatively low tensile strength in contrast to industrial steel. They are light in weight and hence can be moulded and framed easily. This allows architects to explore all the possibilities of design and aesthetics.
Industrial steel is much stronger than commercial steel and is used in heavy-duty applications. Although they are more expensive than commercial steel, they can withstand high temperatures, pressure, chemicals, rust, and erosion. Industrial structural steel is most commonly found in marine vessels, aircraft, construction sites, wind turbines, and pipelines.
The decision to use steel depends upon its ability to create aesthetically and architecturally interesting and long-lasting structures, combined with a cost-saving advantage in the construction project. It is a choice of modern architecture that uses high-tech computer software to monitor and control the making of custom structures steel.
If you are planning to use architectural steelwork for industrial or commercial purposes or planning repair or refurbishment of your building, we can help. ARS Ltd. is a U.K.-based home improvement company that can help you find the best solution to suit your requirements. They offer high-quality on-site repair and re-coating services to the construction, retail and commercial sectors using environmentally friendly materials.