Protein supplements have dominated the fitness industry for decades. Athletes relied heavily on them to accomplish their desired fitness goals. However, things have changed and there are a variety of options for a gym-goer to use when it comes to fitness and exercise performance. BioX Power Pump RTD is a ready-to-drink supplement and a per-workout performance enhancer for anyone engaged in strength exercise. Its benefits have caught on as much as protein powders.
Just as a protein supplement helps you offer protein to gain muscles. The power pump also comes packed with amino acids and caffeine to offer you instant energy to withstand high-intense workout sessions. Additionally, it is an Energy boost drink that offers you extra energy for motivation and increased blood flow for endurance.
These days one can buy any supplement from the market as there are endless options. However, these supplements contain artificial ingredients which can cause health issues such as stomach upsets. Therefore, always read the label before buying anything.
There is a long list of this high-quality liquid supplement that we are going to explore.
The benefits of power pump RTD depend on the type of training program you are engaged in. However, its full range of benefits includes building muscles, improving overall athletic performance, and enhancing endurance.
According to the experts, a pre-workout comes packed with Beta-alanine, citrulline, and l-carnitine along with caffeine to ensure your energy levels remain at the peak during training sessions. In addition, it also regulates the blood flow and pumps oxygen to your muscles. The best pre-workout supplement should contain branched-chain amino acids to help you gain muscle, reduce soreness, and facilitate muscle protein synthesis (a process of muscle growth and repair).
Offers Essential Amino Acids
The stand-out benefit of the Biox Power Pump RTD is its offering of essential amino acids. The amino acids are very important for your fitness regime. They form new proteins in the body and are known as building blocks of life. In addition, they improve your overall brain and heart health without causing any side effects.
There are two groups of amino acids which include the essential and non-essential amino acids. The total amino acids our body requires are 20 out of which our body can produce 9. These are non-essential amino acids which means we have to rely on other sources to achieve the rest.
Regular meals and a high-quality supplement can offer you the essential amino acids. Power pump is a perfect pre-workout performance enhancer that comes packed with essential amino acids to help you accomplish desired fitness goals.
The EAAs (essential amino acids) help in speedy muscle growth, improving your strength, reducing soreness, etc. which we are going to explain below in detail.
Muscle Gain
If your aim is to gain muscles without increasing body fat you need to be consistent with your diet and workout plans. Additionally, your body needs an adequate amount of amino acids for building clean muscles. BioX Power Pump RTD offers high levels of essential amino acids and branched-chain amino acids.
During exercise, an individual starts feeling stressed which results in slower performance. It happens when muscle tissues start breaking down which our body uses as energy. Power pump supplies fresh amino acids which bypass your digestive processes and become available for muscle gain.
The power pump also contains citrulline which is another amino acid that helps in increasing blood flow to your muscles. The whole process improves the oxygen levels and calories in muscles as they undergo intensive training. The ultimate results in stronger muscles which can perform faster and longer.
Enhances Strength
Power pump is an Energy boost drink that can improve your endurance levels in a variety of ways. Its obvious advantages of increasing muscle also improve your metabolism for enhanced endurance. However, the athletes have to follow a healthy diet plan along with supplementation.
A regular diet that includes meat, fish, and chicken contains an adequate amount of protein. Which is good for the proper nutrition of your body. Therefore, combine your diet with a workout and consume a supplement to accelerate your overall performance.
Boasts Athletic Endurance
An important approach to boost endurance is to avoid things that can cause fatigue. Here a pre-workout supplement can help you do this in two ways
Caffeine is an essential ingredient that gives you an energy blast. The same which you get in the morning after having your favorite coffee. Caffeine when used through a supplement charges you to perform with full strength.
Another obstacle in the way of endurance is muscle fatigue because of soreness. It occurs in your body because of acid build-up in your muscles. In order to get rid of fatigue, you need beta-alanine which is available in Biox Power Pump RTD. Beta-alanine reduces this acid from your entire body which causes burn during the extensive training sessions. As a result, you push harder and train for longer.
According to the new research, there is another ingredient that can help in reducing muscle fatigue which is sodium bicarbonate. It also goes down into your body and prevents the acid from accumulating in your muscles.
Other Benefits
Besides being an energy boost drink, a power pump ready-to-drink supplement also benefits an athlete in a variety of ways. Firstly, a power pump improves your overall nervous system. This results in two benefits: increasing your blood flow and enhancing overall strength. The increased oxygen offers stamina and nutrition helps in building muscles allowing you to bounce back on the exercise with full strength.
Is Biox Power Pump RTD a Healthy Supplement?
Apart from offering countless fitness-related benefits, power pump supplements still bear criticism. According to the studies, it is a liquid supplement that can cause health issues when used in the long term. Furthermore, it can result in headaches, gas, and stomach issues.
However, these studies are very old, lacking the appropriate evidence to back their claim. Recent studies have supported the use of pre-workout supplements for improved athletic performance.
However, one should be care full with the dosage quantity of his supplement. Some athletes try overconsuming their supplements for the sake of gaining quick results. Which leads them to suffer health issues such as drowsiness and dizziness. In case you are new to the fitness industry ask your professional health care, expert, or dietician, to recommend you appropriate dosage of your supplement.
There are no accurate doses of supplements mentioned in the studies. Every individual has a different age, gender, and metabolic rate. Which makes it tough to suggest a specific dosage for the gym-goers. Therefore, ask for the advice of your gym instructor and follow it to gain lean muscles healthily. Additionally, have proper rest after the workout. A good night’s sleep relaxes your muscles and enables them to perform well in the next workout.