Many times, people generally confuse anxiolytics with sleeping pills as both are sedatives as well as benzodiazepines because of which both of these produce sleeping effects on individual. This is the same case with Temazepam. People know that they can Temazepam UK for anxiety but they don’t know if it is useful in all kinds of anxiety disorders or can be used only in some specific cases of anxiety. Well, today’s article of ours is based on the exact same problem, a question asked frequently i.e. can they use Temazepam for anxiety? Let us begin with understanding the basic facts about Temazepam first and then we’ll come to the point whether we can use Temazepam for anxiety or not. So, in the end, i guess we can now answer the question to if we can use Temazepam for Anxiety or not.
Temazepam Tablets:
Temazepam tablets are also known by it’s brand name Restoril and is a great medication for sleeping. It is a benzodiazepine sleeping tablet and to put it simply, it slows down the reaction time of brain and produces a calm and relaxing effect on the brain. As a result of this effect, the person starts to feel sleepy and in no time, he falls asleep, that too for atleast 8-10 hours. Temazepam has various dosage and the most popular one is Temazepam 20 Mg tablets. This particular dosage is perfect for sleeping purposes and is considered one of the best medicine for treatment of Insomnia.
Temazepam Uses And Misconceptions:-
Buy Temazepam online UK, as mentioned earlier, is a sleeping tablet and it is used for sleeping purposes only. As it belongs to benzodiazepine family of medications, it acts as a sedative hypnotic agent on brain and as a result, the person is able to go to sleep faster than usual. In some cases, it also acts as an anxiolytic where Insomnia is causing anxiety. This effect of Temazepam is not proven but as the cause of anxiety i.e. Insomnia is treated, the anxiety automatically gets treated. Thus, rather than working particularly on anxiety, it works on the cause of the anxiety and removes it. Temazepam is not approved as an anxiolytic drug. However people suffering from Insomnia and anxiety have claimed that they feel better with Temazepam.
Yet it is a perfect solution for Insomnia and anxiety caused due to Insomnia, still it is not advisable to take this medicine for more than 10 days. The prolonged usage of this medication can cause severe damage to the individual and his health. Also, use of Temazepam for anxiety is not approved by any authority and thus should be avoided. One pill per day is enough and exceeding to this may prove to be fatal.