CBD roll-on products are designed to be applied to inflamed or painful skin. They consist of a small tube of liquid topped with a roller ball that releases the CBD liquid when applied to the skin. These products work similarly to roll-on antiperspirants. They may also contain essential oils and skin-friendly ingredients such as warming capsaicin. Some brands even include arnica, which has a natural healing effect on bruises and soreness.
Pain relief
A CBD roll-on for pain relief is a convenient, topical remedy. They can be applied directly to the skin to provide relief from muscle and joint pain. The CBD in these products quickly penetrates the skin to release anti-inflammatory properties. The roll-on contains a stainless steel applicator for even distribution of oils and menthol, peppermint, and clove oil. The roll-on sticks are made to last and are suitable for use in multiple areas of the body.
Muscle soreness
CBD roll-ons are ideal for addressing specific areas of pain. They contain 1800 mg of CBD and premium properties that help to reduce muscle soreness. CBD works by activating CB1 and CB2 receptors in the brain and reducing immune responses. A recent mini-review in the journal Frontiers in Pharmacology found that CBD can also reduce pain from migraines. In addition to reducing muscle soreness, CBD also has an anti-inflammatory effect.
Before you purchase a CBD roll-on inflammation solution, check its quality by checking its ingredients. Look for the following criteria:
CBD is a non-intoxicating substance found in Cannabis sativa. It has been lauded for its therapeutic properties and is a popular, topical treatment for aches and pains. In addition, its anti-inflammatory properties make it a popular choice among sportspeople, and some even consider CBD a part of their daily health regimen. The science behind the healing properties of CBD hasn’t been thoroughly studied, but the benefits are clear: it helps ease inflammation and pain.
Choosing a reputable brand
CBD roll-ons are not the same as other products in the market. So when choosing one for yourself, make sure you choose a reputable brand. This way, you’re assured of receiving a high-quality product instead of buying something that’s not worth your time. Also, check for the ingredients, including hemp growing methods and a certificate of analysis. The latter is a lab report that contains results of the product’s purity, potency, and herbicide, as well as its content of solvents and heavy metals.
Ingredients in CBD roll-ons
CBD roll-on products are generally free of THC and contain only natural, non-psychoactive ingredients. The CBD in these products is considered to have powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, reducing inflammation and pain. Various products also contain menthol, a component of the peppermint plant. Menthol is a potent topical analgesic that helps reduce inflammation by cooling the skin. Menthol also stimulates thermoreceptors in the skin, which signal the brain that cold is present.