Prior to ever purchasing or paying for the coffee pods you want to use, you first purchase a coffee pod machine. Since not all of them are exactly the same, research will be necessary to match everything up. There are many different sizes of pods, and some won’t work for all brewers. Finding the appropriate pod for the right brewer, or the right brewer for the pods, would be made easier by comparing the grammes per pod to the brewer’s capacity.
Some coffee pod brewers can only contain between four and nine grammes of pods, despite the fact that many of them can store up to twelve grammes. Some coffee pod makers call for pre-infusing bigger coffee pods, which involves simply soaking the pod before inserting it into the brewer to improve the seal on the outer filter material.
A pod’s compatibility with a machine cannot be determined only by looking at it. Since every pod now available is between 55mm and 61mm, it is essentially difficult to distinguish between them using only the human eye.
T-Discs and K-Cups, which differ greatly from coffee pods, are also available on the market. These cannot be produced by simply anybody; they are not a “open format” like coffee pods. Producers must have authorization and a licence, thus the variety of T-Discs and K-Cups is far smaller than that of coffee pods. T-Discs are strangely not Kosher either.
The Tassimo Hot Beverage Machine is the only appliance in which you may use a T-Disc. You can only use T-Discs with the Tassimo Hot Beverage Machine. There are several benefits to T-Discs over other coffee brewing techniques, despite the fact that this restricts your possibilities.
For instance, a T-Disc for a cappuccino will really be a package including several groups of discs, some of which will include milk and others of which will contain ground coffee. This approach gives the Tassimo system the option to deliver latte, cappuccino, and even hot chocolate, complete with frothy toppings, in addition to your usual cup of coffee, however it isn’t nearly as quick or easy as coffee pods.
You should do a lot of study before selecting a single cup coffee brewer because you’ll be investing in your coffee purchasing in the future. After all, you can’t exactly alter your mind later—at least not without purchasing a new coffee maker.