Cold Sore Medication
There are various options for anyone seeking cold sore medication and because none of these products is completely effective in curing cold sore symptoms when they appear, research is ongoing to help search for the ultimate cold sore treatment. With some figures suggesting that 70-90 percent of the population carries the herpes simplex virus, the potential market for a fast and effective remedy is huge, despite the fact that many of the infected show no symptoms of the condition.
Here we take a look at some of the most popular products on the market and look at how they work.
Abreva is one of the most popular and effective cold sore medicines available and is currently the only over-the-counter cold sore medication to be approved by the FDA. The active ingredient is Docosanol, which prevents the cold sore from spreading by forming a protective layer around the healthy cells situated next to the cold sore. It is at its most effective when applied to the sore before it blisters – i.e. in the tingling stage onwards and can reduce the duration of an attack by 2 or 3 days.
In some sufferers the application of Zovirax as soon as tingling is felt can reduce the development of a cold sore dramatically, sometimes no appearing at all. The active ingredient is acycloviris, which acts to inhibit the virus from replicating and helps reduces the irritation and redness around the sore.
Novitra is a topical salve that contains zinc sulfate, which is easily absorbed and helps accelerate the healing process. Currently this product is not approved by the FDA.
Lysine salves
Lysine is well known for its ability to prevent and treat cold sores and is often taken as a supplement to help reduce the frequency of cold sore attacks. However there are also a number of salves containing lysine, which can be used to help cold sores when they appear.
As you can see from the selection above, there are a number of different options to consider when looking for prescription or over the counter cold sore medication. Remember however that some of these drugs can produce undesirable side effects and that in many cases natural remedies have been shown to be just as effective in reducing the overall time for the lesion to heal completely.