A Dealer Possession License or a DPL license is a legal permit issued to telecom wireless equipment dealers and possessors. These business entities are involved in the sales and distribution of wireless equipment in the telecom market. As per the telecom rules, the DPL license holders are prohibited from selling their wireless products to entities that don’t possess the prior approval of the Wireless Planning and Coordination (WPC) to use those products.
A Non-Dealer Possession License or an NDPL license is also a legal permit issued to market entities that are neither the dealers nor the proprietors of wireless products. They just have wireless products in their possession, say a local cable operator with 40 or 50 nodal cable points.
Both these licenses are types of Non-Network licenses issued by the Wireless Planning and Coordination (WPC) wing of the Department of Telecommunications (DoT). Read More Useful Services: Company Registration
Pre-conditions for a DPL/NDPL certificate registration
If any entity wants to apply for a Dealer Possession License or a Non-Dealer Possession License, you are in luck because the Department of Telecommunications doesn’t consider many pre-conditions for an applicant to apply for a DPL/NDPL registration certificate. If the applicant is a registered business entity, they are eligible to apply for the DPL License and NDPL License. The registered entity can be a Company incorporated under the Companies Act of 2013, a Partnership Firm under the Partnership Act of 1932, a Limited Liability Partnership, etc.
Documents Required for DPL/NDPL License
To file the application for registration of a Dealer Possession License or a Non-Dealer Possession License in India, the applicant must submit the following documents to conform to the authority of its rightful candidature by authenticating them with the certified documents. Below mentioned are the required documents to be submitted along with the application for DPL License or NDPL License:
- CoI (Certificate of Incorporation) of the applicant company
- Details of the Equipment for which the applicant is seeking the required license for the purpose of import, possession, sales, distribution or use.
- Technical literature of the to-be imported, sold, possessed, distributed, or used equipment
- Duly filled application form
Procedure to acquire the DPL/NDPL License
The following are the elaborated steps to obtain the Dealer Possession License or a Non-Dealer Possession License from the Department of Telecommunications:
- Furnish the required documents.
- Draft the application form, and make necessary changes if needed.
- Submit the application to the authority with the compiled documents.
- Regularly check your application status at the authority’s website.
- Wait for the application’s assessment by the DoT’s Wireless Planning and Coordination (WPC) Wing.
- Upon successful assessment, obtain the DPL or NDPL license. Read More Useful Services: News Agency Registration
Get your DPL/NDPL License at Registrationwala
We, at Registrationwala, with our team of telecom regulations experts, can assist you in the entire registration process of your preferred non-network license- the DPL and the NDPL license.
- We will compile and furnish the required documents and file for your license application on your behalf.
- Arrange for the radio frequency test for the product for which you are seeking your required license.
- Conduct follow-ups with authority and deal with any discrepancies during the assessment.
- Get your license for yourself.
In terms of legal matters, it can take forever for a novice to get the required legal permit for commencing activities for their desired business operations. For more information, reach out to our experts at Registrationwala. Read Other Related Content: Insurance Marketing Firm
To know about the entire registration process of a Dealer Possession License (DPL) or a Non-Dealer Possession License (NDPL) with the DoT, read this article.