Despite its relatively recent position in our society, CBD has been at working to deliver its calming properties since the 1980s according to certain estimates and even the earlier world by other. It has also brought an endless array of CBD-based products has emerged, from oils and capsules to seltzer and lotions, each promising a more potent dosage from CBD than the previous.
Tinctures are, however, unveiled, partly due to their old-fashioned apothecary-style packaging however, it’s more likely due to the method of taking them by a few drops at one time, under the tongue.
In this video, Tieraona Low Dog, M.D., an expert on herbal medicine and women’s health along with Kevin Hill, M.D. director of the Division of Addiction Psychiatry at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and assistant professor of Psychiatry within Harvard Medical School Get to the at the bottom of CBD tinctures‘ mystery.
First, let’s go over a bit of CBD 101…
What exactly is it?
The cannabis plant is home to many chemicals within it that include over 120 cannabis cannabinoids Hill clarifies. Of these cannabinoids two are the most well-known: THC, which produces the euphoric (or “high” people experience from marijuana, and also cannabidiol or CBD that has anti-inflammatory, anti-seizureand anxiety-reducing and analgesic properties, as per Low Dog.
On a level of the plant, both chemicals work in a way that is opposite at a plant level, with CBD serving as a buffer for the effects of THC. “It’s like a yin and Yang. THC is the primary cause of the high but CBD does not,” Hill explains.
What exactly are tinctures?
A herbal tincture is created with a mix of alcohol with water in order to get the compounds of the plant, which is in this case the cannabis plant.
There are times when you can see tinctures, or extracts, which use vinegar, glycerin or oil as solvents instead of alcohol.” Low Dog states. “These offer the advantage of being alcohol-free, but may not always offer the same potency as an alcohol-water extract.”
What is the process by which CBD tinctures produced in the first place? What are the advantages of making them?
CBD Tinctures are typically composed of high CBD Italian Cold Pressed Hemp Oil Tincture strains, comprising 60 to 70% alcohol. They are employed to alleviate anxiety or reduce discomfort. “Tinctures are easy to use and have a long shelf life , and are easily absorbed when they are consumed through the mouth.. The dosage can be altered by reducing or increasing the amount of drops consumed,” notes Low Dog.
“The volume and quantity of studies hasn’t been able to keep pace with the demands to date. The majority of medicinal uses of cannabidiol are supported by animal research only or, in reality, no research. This is where it could become a problem.”