In order to join a presentation that is already going on, you can enter your code into the system. This allows you to join the presentation. Pear Deck, which is powered by Join PD and lets both professors and students take part in virtual class sessions, makes it possible for everyone to be there. Teachers must first make a presentation with their Join.PD account and then give out the joinpdcom code to everyone who wants to join. They can then participate from anywhere, as long as they have the code.
So, that’s all there is to it. Students, on the other hand, have to set up an account on in order to participate in the presentation that is now taking place.
Even if you don’t know why you want to make a account or change your Joinpd password, the following advice will help you. If you’re a teacher or a student, we’ll show you how to make your login name and password. We’ll also show you how to go to to join in on the presentation. Getting things going
JoinPD is a group of people who want to help each other. How does work?
Pear Deck works on a fermium model, which means that teachers and schools can use a lot of tools and resources for free or by paying for a premium account.
People can use the service Peardeck to have online classes and see the presentations that are currently taking place on the site, as well as connect with each other.
After logging in, the teacher must make a presentation in this tool and then send the invitation link to the students who are in that class and studying that subject.
In general, these are the instruments that are used a lot in the United States. Thus, we can put this item in the student help web site subcategory of the class system. Is it possible to get to it through the official JoinPD website? It can be found at (in English).
At first glance, it looks like it could be very useful for kids who are learning how to be more social and personal.
Peardeck helps students grow by teaching them how to have a good attitude about learning and how important it is for them to feel like they belong to the community.
If you haven’t taken any classes on Peardeck and don’t know how to use it, don’t be afraid. To help you through the whole process, this article will show you how to do it step by step.
A account must be set up.
It’s so easy to sign up for a Pear Deck account that I’ve included instructions on how to sign up for Pear Deck as a new user in this guide. In the beginning, setting up a new Pear Deck account is the first step in making interactive presentations for your students.
If you want to use Pear Deck, Google Slides, or PowerPoint Online, you’ll need to sign in with your Google or Microsoft Office 365 account.
To get started, go to and choose the teacher login option from the drop-down menu that shows up on the screen.
Make a choice from the drop-down menu based on the type of account you want to use.
Pear Deck will ask for access to your Google Drive or One Drive, and you’ll have to give it. After that, you’ll have to answer a few questions about how your account is set up. *Selectors do not tell us anything about the students they are picking. We don’t know who they are picking for us.
If you want to connect Pear Deck to your Google Drive or OneDrive, choose “Authorize” from the drop-down menu. Pear Deck will need your email address and password. Before you can go any further, you’ll be asked to give the company access.
Fill in the spaces with your postal code and the school you want to go to. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have a US postal code or if your school isn’t in the drop-down list. Use any five-digit number instead of your school’s name or postal code.
This add-on is for Google Slides (if you used a Google account) or PowerPoint online (if you used Microsoft Office 365). You can use Pear Deck for your presentation by adding it to your Google Slides or PowerPoint online presentation (if you used a Google account). To find out how to do this, read on.
When you work with Join.PD, what are some of the things that you can do better?
There have been a lot of awards and accolades for the PD since it was first made. It’s sometimes called the Pear Deck. When teachers and students use it, it has a lot of useful features that help them both learn more. Besides that, there are many more reasons to use this platform as a whole.
Teachers and students can work together to make visually stunning design presentations that the whole class will enjoy. Pear Deck makes a slide show by combining Google slides and the Slides software.
Then, go to and sign in with your e-mail address and password.
There are a lot of creative templates that students can use to help them reach their educational goals.
This tool lets you make your own questions from scratch, making them unique to you.
This means that you can now use audio in your PowerPoint presentations
By going into the enhanced teacher dashboard, teachers can keep track of how well students are learning new things.
It’s also good to use or Pear Deck, because they have a lot of other features and benefits, too. Find out how it works now! If you’re having trouble logging into your account, the steps below may help you get back in.
Peardeck is easy to use, and both teachers and students will find it useful.
Look at the JoinPD website’s main page to learn more. To do so, go to and fill out the registration form.
The login screen is now in front of you, as shown in the picture below. You can now log in.
To move on, you first need to enter your email address or password, and then click the Submit Button on the next screen. In your account dashboard, you will see a screen that asks you to log in.
Questions: Is Pear Deck free, or does it have to be paid for?
Free Pear Deck can be downloaded and used by teachers and other people who want to use it.
The Join Code and the Join Link are two different things. What’s the difference?
In contrast to the Join Code, which is only good for 4 days, the Join Link is good for a long time. A week before a lesson, you can send the Join Link to the students and ask them to be on time for class.
Is there an app for Pear Deck?
Pear Deck can only be used with a browser plugin, which isn’t available right now (also known as an Add-on or Add-in).
Pear Deck works with what browsers?
Web browsers Chrome, Safari, Edge, and Firefox are the only ones that Pear Deck can work with: (no other browsers supported). It does not work with the Internet Explorer web browser.
In the event that I use a mobile phone or iPad to view my Pear Deck presentation, I can’t make any changes to it. It’s fine for them to use these things to make a presentation during class, though.
Pear Deck, as it is called, is an educational technology platform that helps teachers make their teaching and learning more effective for both students and teachers. As seen by the many awards that JoinPD has won, it looks like it is a good platform. As a start-up, it has grown very quickly. Alternatively, you can use this form to send your question. We will do everything we can to find the best solution for your needs.