Is Maternity Leave Application paid? Unbelievably, a woman would sometimes lose her job if she became pregnant as recently as the 1970s.
No of how long they have worked for the company or how many hours they put in, all employees are entitled to 52 weeks of maternity leave after having a child.
There are two parts to your maternity leave: 26 weeks of “Ordinary Maternity Leave” (OML) and 26 weeks of “Additional Maternity Leave” (AML). You have the right to return depending on how long you have been away from work during your maternity leave.
While on maternity leave, your employment contract is still in effect, and you are still entitled to several benefits.
When can I start my maternity leave application?
Unless you give birth sooner, the earliest you can start receiving pay and maternity leave is 11 weeks before the due date. You get to choose when you want to start your maternity leave. If you wish, you can continue working until the baby is born.
Your employer may automatically start your maternity leave if you leave work for a pregnancy-related reason during the four weeks following the week the baby is due (this could include a health and safety suspension or pregnancy-related sickness). Only in this situation does your employer influence the beginning of your maternity leave.
Your leave and pay will start the day after the birth if you give birth before you are scheduled to begin your maternity leave. The day after your first day of pregnancy-related absence from work or the day after the delivery is the day that Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) or Maternity Allowance (MA) will start.
Note: If you leave early for a pregnancy-related cause within the four weeks before your expected due date or if you give birth before the scheduled start of your maternity leave, you must tell your employer as soon as it is practical.
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How will I be paid while being on maternity leave?
The majority of women will be eligible for maternity pay. Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) and Maternity Allowance(MA) are the two different types of maternity pay. Both are compensated for a total of 39 weeks.
Assuming you’re eligible, the final 13 weeks of maternity leave are often unpaid. Check to see if you qualify for any contractual maternity pay at each job you hold. You might be eligible for MA if you are not eligible for SMP. Additionally, if you do not qualify for MA, you might be able to apply for Employment and Support Allowance or Universal Credit.
Always review your employment contract since it can give you more rights than the minimum required by law. For example, your employer might provide increased maternity pay.
Inform your employer that they can request repayment from HMRC for Statutory Maternity Pay if they are concerned about how they will be able to pay your SMP. If your company cannot deliver your statutory maternity pay, they may ask HMRC for advance cash.
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