Sweet potato is a tuberous vegetable crop, cultivated in the same way as potato civilization. Its shops grow both inside and outside the land. Its shops spread above the ground in the form of a vine. Sweet potatoes are eaten like this after boiling and riding. piecemeal from this, it’s also eaten by making it a vegetable. bounce and agreeableness are set up in further amounts in sweet potatoes than in potatoes. Vitamins are set up in sufficient quantities in sweet potato, due to which sweet potato consumption increases the shine and hair on the face.
Sweet potato is cultivated extensively in tropical and tropical corridors of the world. Still, India is primarily grown in the eastern and northern corridor of India, comprising Chhattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand, Odisha, Bihar, West Bengal, and others, contributing to 90 per cent of the product in India.
In the below section you get the civilization process of the sweet potato.
Soil, Climate & Temperature
To produce further sweet potatoes commercially, flaxen gault soil is needed. In addition, the land should have proper drainage in its civilization. Don’t cultivate it in the complex, rocky and logged ground because, in similar places, its tubers don’t develop duly, and the yield is also affected. Sweet potato shops have a tropical climate, and they can be cultivated in all three seasons in India. For soil medication power cultivator is the stylish outfit and the power tiller price is also provident for farmer.
Field Preparation & Fertiliser
For the civilization of sweet potatoes, brickle soil is needed. For this, the field is well set. To prepare the area, first of all, the field is well ploughed with earth- turning ploughs. After pressing the area, the field is left open for some time. Due to this, the sun gets better in the field’s soil. For a good yield of sweet potato, a good quantity of ordure has to be applied in the area. Also, for field medication numerous tools are useful similar to rotavator and others. Because rotavator is stylish for husbandry purposes and the rotavator price is also provident for farmers.
Due to this, the lumps of soil in the field break, and the ground becomes brickle, After the soil becomes bruickle, the field is levelled with a stroke. Due to this, the water logging problem isn’t seen in the area. Planting of sweet potato shops is done on the meadows.The meadows are prepared to keep proper distance in the field.
Broadcasting Method
Sweet potato shops are scattered in the nursery as set slices. For this, the shops are ready a month in advance. For this, its vine is prepared by planting seeds in the hothouse, after which it’s pulled and cut and ready for broadcasting. piecemeal from this, if growers want, they can also buy shops from any registered nursery. After this, these shops are scattered into the set bund.
In general, its shops can be planted in any season, but summer and stormy seasons are considered stylish for getting a good yield of sweet potato. In the Zayed season, its shops are planted between June and August. After which its crop is ready along with the Kharif crop.
Irrigation of sweet potato shops is done grounded on transplantation.However, also incontinently after broadcasting, the seedlings should be doused , If its shops have been planted in the summer season. During this, irrigation of its shops is done once a week. Due to this, sufficient humidity remains in the field, and the growth of tubers is good.However, they don’t bear important irrigation, If the shops are planted during the stormy season. piecemeal from this, they must give water according to the need if the rain doesn’t come on time.
Weed Control
Both natural and chemical styles are used to control weeds in the sweet potato crop. To get control of weeds by a chemical process, an applicable quantum of Metribuzin and Paraque is scattered in the field before tuber germination.
piecemeal from this, if you want to exclude weeds by natural system, you must weed the shops. The first hoeing of its shops is done 20 days after germination when its shops start to germinate. After which, the alternate and third hoeing of shops is done at an interval of 25 days.
It takes 110 to 120 days to prepare advanced kinds of sweet potato. When the leaves on its shops start appearing unheroic, its tubers are shovelled during that time. Before digging the tubers, apply soft water to the field. Due to this, the area’s soil becomes weak, and the tubers can be removed fluently. After digging the tubers, they’re completely gutted and dried well. A yield of about 25 tonnes is attained in one hectare of field. For farther details about analogous blogs stay with us. And stay for our coming blog.
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