Gum Specialist. Starting to lose your teeth? Having trouble chewing your food? No matter what’s happening with your teeth, you need a gum specialist near me to help you solve your dental issues, and we’re here to help! When you can no longer afford to see a traditional dentist, it’s time to talk to Lowell tooth docs who specialize in treating gum issues. From periodontal disease to receding gums, there are many different symptoms of gum problems that could be affecting your oral health.
How to Find a Gum Specialist Near You
Gum specialists, who are more commonly referred to as periodontists (or oral and maxillofacial surgeons), specialize in disorders of your gums, jawbone, and surrounding soft tissues. They can help you manage gum disease if you have it, or prevent problems if you don’t.
Their expertise also helps them treat oral health issues that could cause dental complications. If you have any concerns about your gums and surrounding soft tissues, check with your Lowell tooth docs dentist to see if he or she will refer you to a periodontist for treatment.
What Are Gum Surgical Specialists?
If you’re looking for a gum specialist near you, you’ll find that most dentists are not qualified to perform periodontal surgery. Most importantly, they have experience with soft tissue gums—their specialty is making sure they’re healthy so they stay anchored on your jawbone. If your dentist isn’t equipped with these skills, don’t be afraid to ask for recommendations from gum specialists or look them up online.
How Can A Gum Surgeon Help?
If you’re searching for gum surgery, it means that you or someone in your family suffers from bleeding gums. Bleeding gums are often painful and, if not treated, can lead to more serious health issues. The most common causes of chronic gum bleeding include trauma (from falling teeth), periodontal disease, and receding gums.
In addition to causing pain, these conditions also predispose people to other diseases such as pneumonia, lung infections, and heart attacks. If you or someone in your family has been diagnosed with chronic gum bleeding, it’s important to find a specialist who can help.
What Is Involved in Treating Periodontal Disease?
Periodontal disease is an infection of gum tissue and bone that affects up to 60% of adults. When left untreated, periodontal disease can lead to tooth loss or even death. The first step to treating periodontal disease is by diagnosing it. You can seek out a gum specialist near you for help with that—but if you suspect something might be wrong (i.e., bleeding gums), it’s always best to consult your dentist immediately. After determining which type of periodontal disease you have, your dentist or gum specialist will determine what treatment method is best for your condition and begin healing right away!`
What Is Involved in Treating GUM Disease?
GUM disease, or gum disease, is a problem that most people don’t even know exists. Many people think of it as just bad breath, not realizing that it can lead to infection of your gums and bones in your mouth and more serious health problems like heart disease.
GUM disease starts when plaque builds up on your teeth and gums. The constant irritation of your gums leads to them swelling, forming pockets, and eventually bleeding when you brush them. Left untreated, these issues can spread through your system; thus gum specialists near me. To prevent GUM diseases from occurring at all: visit your dentist for regular checkups and cleanings at least twice per year.
What Else Do I Need To Know About Treating GUM Disease?
Treatment for gum disease depends on several factors. They usually give results quickly, but they don’t always kill all of the harmful germs that cause periodontal disease. Still, OTC treatments should help alleviate pain and keep gums from becoming infected; they may also reduce pocket depth if pockets haven’t yet become extensive enough to affect neighboring teeth.
Are There Risks?
Yes, in fact, some studies have shown that gum-chewing can actually contribute to tooth decay. A 2007 study published in General Dentistry found that even though chewing gum stimulates saliva flow (which helps keep teeth clean), chewing gums with sugar resulted in increased plaque and higher levels of acidity compared to unsweetened gums.
If you have serious issues with your dental health, see a gum specialist near you or consult your Lowell tooth docs dentist to help diagnose and treat any problems you may be having. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying some bubble gum from time to time!
Will I Have To Take Time Off Work?
I can’t emphasize enough how critical it is to have good dental hygiene. Regular cleanings and checkups will help prevent painful problems, including gum disease (which can lead to tooth loss). If you do need fillings or crowns, you might be able to return to work that same day with minimal discomfort.
However, if you require extractions—particularly multiple teeth—you may want to take some time off for recovery. When scheduling your appointment with a gum specialist near me, it’s best to ask about their cancellation policy so you don’t lose money if something comes up at work.
Your Next Steps
Looking for more information about your gum health? If you’re wondering how to find a gum specialist near you, don’t worry; it isn’t hard. First, figure out what is troubling you. Do you have bleeding gums or do you notice swelling in your gums? Do your teeth hurt when chewing or brushing them?
Keep track of these symptoms to make sure that there isn’t something more serious going on and then do some digging around to find an expert. Check out our directory of periodontists and dentists near you and then call to set up an appointment—no matter where you are, we can connect you with someone who can help!