Know your sleep loss triggers and find the best ways to handle them for quality living. Many studies say
that people who get the required hours of sleep at night have better fitness and wellness. In addition,
our brain and body need 6-8 hours of sleep at night to function properly. The circadian rhythm works
with the biological clock to keep the release of melatonin on time for restorative slumber. In addition,
daily habits and sleep patterns matter a lot, when it comes to getting sufficient hours of sleep.
Therefore, people need to follow a healthy and balanced lifestyle to avoid sleep loss signs in their lives.
Maintain Your Light Exposure
Before bedtime, our body needs a dark and calm environment for falling asleep easily and staying
asleep. Use heavy curtains in the bedroom and try to avoid bright lights in the bedroom to get proper
hours of sleep at night. In addition, try to avoid blue light exposure in the bedroom, they cause poor
levels of melatonin in the brain and body. Science says watching blue screens before bedtime signals the
brain to delay melatonin and sleepiness too. Therefore, it is important to stay away from blue screens or
digital devices, like TV, smartphones, and other screens that emit blue light at least 3 to 4 hours before
bedtime for better shut-eye.
In addition, by blocking the blue lights, you need to spend some in the daylight to pump more melatonin
and dopamine into the body. Again, sunlight helps the body to relax and release feel-good hormones,
These hormones control the stress signs and provide a balanced sleep cycle too. In addition, spending
time in the daylight increases our energy levels too, which keeps us active and alert during the day.
Therefore, wake up in the morning and spend some time in the natural light to recharge the body and
signal the brain to release happy hormones.
On the other side, try to avoid extreme exposure to sunlight to prevent skin problems, or apply proper
prevention items before going out in the sun.
Bedroom Environment
Further, try to use the bedroom only for sex and sleep to live quality living. Again, avoid other activities
in the bedroom, like eating, watching TV, etc. Experts say do not ruin your sleep sanctuary environment
with other tasks. Create a sleep-inducing bedroom ambience by maintaining the perfect temperature
and lighting options.
You should choose comfortable mattresses and pillows for the best sleep posture and support to the
neck and spine. Again, sleeping in the right position can help you get sound sleep at night and prevent
risks of pain or anxiety issues during the day. Therefore, know your sleep positions and focus on them to
get the required hours of sleep.
Exercise and Yoga
Doing yoga and exercise in the daylight is good for maintaining the sleep cycle. In addition, physical
activity releases dopamine and endorphins too, which help in controlling the stress signs too. Therefore,
spend some time in the daily exercise and yoga sessions. At the same time, it is good to choose the best
physical workouts to avoid injuries and other health problems. You can start by running or walking for a
few minutes in the beginning and then gradually choose customized plans for better health.
Studies show running or walking during the day can help the brain to release melatonin on time at night
for better sleep quality.
In addition, with a healthy approach in life, you can try other things too, like:
Take a hot shower before bedtime
Listening to music
Reading a book
Again, simple and relaxing activities can help you get sound sleep at night. Therefore, plan a balanced
lifestyle and get the required hours of sleep at night.
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