A caved-in roof is a clear ‘new roof’ situation. However, you don’t want it to be too dangerous to have a new roof installed. You also don’t want your roof to be replaced before you are ready, which will waste money and time. Cliff Nicholls Roofing & Scaffolding Limited has provided our expert opinion on when you should have a new roof or extensive roof repairs.
So, don’t wait! Take a look at these 6 signs you might need a new roof right away. Stay safe with Cliff Nicholls Roofing & Scaffolding Limited this season.
- Lets have look at records.
Take a look at your receipts for home improvements and previous roof repairs. 20 years is the least lifetime of An asphalt roof. If your roof is nearing that age, it may be time to replace it. If a roof is installed on top of an existing layer, it should not be removed and replaced within 20 years. This is something to keep in mind when you review the dates on your records.
- Get started in the attic
Look up at your attic on a sunny day to see if there are any light beams coming in. Also, look out for discoloration, stains, streaks, or marks on the floor. This could indicate a water leak or a hole in the roof. You might consider having a professional inspect your attic and discuss the pros and cons for repair or replacement.
- Lets look on Shingles
Do you find your yard cluttered with shingles after heavy storms? This is not what your roof is supposed to do. If your shingles are not flat against your roof then it is time to repair or replace them. If your shingles are losing their granules while you’re inspecting them, it may be time to consider replacing them.
- Flashing New
Flashing is vital as it covers your skylights, chimneys and vents. It seals the inside and keeps the outside in. These seams and seals can crack and weaken over time, especially if they are exposed to the Texas sun. Some flashing in older homes is made from roof cement or tar, which can be problematic. For the best durability and long-lasting life, ensure that your flashing has metal.
- Sad: Sags
Your roof should be replaced if it is sagging. It is structurally unsafe and weak. You should pay attention to the lower parts of your roof for signs of sagging. This is where water can pool and cause extensive damage.
- Plants are for outside or inside, not in between
While plants and moss are beautiful outside your home or in terrariums, they can be a nuisance when they grow on your roof. Excessive moisture in your roof, gutters or soil can lead to moss, plants, molds, fungi, or mushrooms. You can first remove the moss using a stiff brush or a hard brush. But, don’t forget about the root cause of the growth!
Are you due for a roof inspection, repair, replacement, or inspection? roofing company in Wolverhampton
can help!
Cliff Nicholls Roof & Scaffolding Limited can help you whether you need a quote or an inspection .
We are happy to provide a no-obligation roof inspection, a quote or other helpful advice regarding structural integrity, safety and home protection. To get the best roof for you at the most affordable price, we will work with your insurance.
Business Name :- Cliff Nicholls Roofing & Scaffolding Limited
Address :- Patrick Gregory Road, Wolverhampton, West Midlands