What makes an app remarkable? It’s usually the UI or the user experience that gets your attention first, isn’t it? Whether you are an expert in UX design or not, this article will help you create better UI that increases conversion rates and improves ROI of mobile apps and websites. Let’s begin with understanding the factors that contribute to remarkable UI.
Get the user’s attention
It’s easy for visitors to get distracted while they’re on your website. If they’re browsing, they can always go to another site or look at their email. To make sure visitors see what you want them to see, your content needs to grab their attention and keep it. Use bold colors, eye-catching images, and short paragraphs so your message gets through loud and clear.
Be clear in your call-to-action
If you have multiple calls-to-action on your landing page, choose one call-to-action and remove all other distractions. Make it simple and quick for users to complete an action. Otherwise, they might just click off your site and go somewhere else. And while you’re at it, make sure your call-to-action is prominent and not buried or text heavy.
Reinforce your message through consistency
When people are first trying out your product, they’re not certain what to expect or what they should do. Therefore, it’s important to reinforce key concepts and directions through everything you do in your interface—from copy-writing and visual design decisions (how things look) down to specific interface elements like primary buttons. While it may seem like overkill at first, your users will thank you for it later on when it makes their lives easier.
Use white space wisely
White space is an underused yet powerful design tool. The more space you leave around your content, graphics, and elements of design, the more room you create for people’s eyes to focus on them. This not only gives your website or app a clean and uncluttered feel, but it also helps draw attention where you want it.
Choose fonts carefully
Overwhelming users with too many fonts, while tempting, can actually reduce conversion rates. It’s best to stick with two or three different fonts in any one page. It’s also important not to mix serif and sans-serif fonts. Serif fonts are easier on users eyes and have been shown to have higher conversion rates—so opt for them first.
Add little animations here and there
You don’t have to be Steve Jobs or Jonathan Ive in order to make your product look good. Just take advantage of animations when they are appropriate. For example, if you create a video player with play/pause buttons, why not animate them into place? Using little movements and transitions gives your product more life, which is something people crave from brands nowadays.
Test everything!
Creating user personas for your website and/or app is a smart exercise in any case, but when you’re trying to improve conversion rates, it becomes even more vital. For example, you might find from your testing (using one of several available conversion rate optimization tools) that visitors who visited your app or site after 4pm had significantly lower conversion rates than visitors during other times of day.
The most important part in conversion rate optimization process is creating remarkable UI which helps users. If you want to hire UI/UX design studio in Bangalore, contact or visit Pepper Square, Their experts are great at UI/UX designing and can help you improve your conversion rates and sales with remarkable UI. Don’t hesitate, get in touch with them today