When it comes to Amazon advertising, finding the perfect keyword match type is essential for a successful campaign. There are four main keyword match types: broad, phrase, exact, and negative. Broad match is the most general and will show your ad for any search that includes your keywords, even if the order of the keywords is different. Phrase match is more specific and will only show your ad for searches that include your keywords in the same order.
What is a keyword match type?
When you create a campaign on Amazon, you will be asked to choose a match type for your keywords. There are four different keyword match types on Amazon: broad, phrase, exact, and negative.
Broad match is the default option and will show your ad to customers who search for any word in your keyword phrase, as well as related terms. Phrase match will only show your ad to customers who search for your exact keyword phrase, or close variations of it.
Exact match is the most restrictive option and will only show your ad to customers who search for your exact keyword phrase without any other words before or after it. Negative match will exclude your ad from being shown to customers who search for the specified keyword phrases.
You should choose your match type based on what you want your ad to be shown for.
The different types of keyword match types
When running a pay-per-click campaign on Amazon, sellers have the option to choose from four different keyword match types: broad match, phrase match, exact match, and negative match.
Broad match is the default option and allows your ad to show up for any search that includes your specified keyword, even if the customer’s query includes other terms as well.
Phrase match is more restrictive, only allowing your ad to show up when a customer’s query includes your entire specified keyword phrase in the same order.
Exact match is the most restrictive option, only allowing your ad to show up when a customer’s query exactly matches your specified keyword phrase.
Negative match allows you to exclude certain words or phrases from triggering your ad. This can be useful for preventing your ad from showing up for irrelevant searches.
Why finding the perfect keyword match type is important
As an Amazon advertiser, it’s important to understand the different keyword match types and how they can impact your ad campaigns. There are four main keyword match types: broad match, phrase match, exact match, and negative match. Each has its own pros and cons, so it’s important to select the right one for your campaign.
Broad match is the most general type of keyword match. It allows your ad to show up for any search that includes your specified keywords, even if those keywords are in a different order or with other words before or after them. While this gives you the widest reach, it also means that your ad could show up for irrelevant searches.
Phrase match is more targeted than broad match. It allows your ad to show up for searches that include your specified keywords in the same order as you entered them.
How to find the perfect keyword match type for your campaign
There are four keyword match types on Amazon: broad, phrase, exact, and negative. So, how do you know which one to use?
Broad match is the most general and will show your ad for any search that includes your keywords in any order. Phrase match is a little more specific and will only show your ad if the search includes your keywords in the same order. Exact match is the most specific and will only show your ad if the search includes your exact keyword phrase with no other words before or after it. Negative match is used to exclude certain words from triggering your ad.
To figure out which keyword match type is right for you, start by experimenting with different types on a small scale. See which one performs the best and then scale up from there.
In conclusion, the perfect keyword match type for your Amazon Advertising Campaign depends on your advertising goals. If you are looking to increase brand awareness, then a broad match type is the way to go. If you have a specific product or service that you want to promote, then you will want to use a phrase or exact match type. And finally, if you are looking to reach a specific audience, then using a negative keyword match type will help you exclude those who are not in your target market.
Read More: Master the art of Amazon advertising with these tips