The pilgrims return from the Hajj, washing away their sins and setting their accounts anew. Therefore, ending the year with contentment, new hope, and preparedness for a new beginning. That was the idea behind appointing Dhul-Hijjah as the last month of the Islamic year. As the blessed month of Dhul-Hijjah on the Islamic Lunar Calender ends, Muharram, another holy month, begins. So, Muharram marks the beginning of the Islamic new year. Besides that, Muharram also holds significance for several historical events. Hence, it comes with virtues and blessings. It is a reminder of the great sacrifices and exemplary character of the Prophet’s descendants. These reminders may serve as a guideline to collect new year blessings. In this article, we will discuss the virtues and practices of the new Islamic year.
Observing a Fast
Fasting is not only the best way of self-discipline but also a key to gathering countless blessings. While someone is fasting, they are mindful of refraining from prohibited actions. Besides, fasting on the day of Ashura has a special significance. Ashura is the 10th day of Muharram. Where fasting during the first days of Dhul-Hijjah rinses sins of two years, fasting on Ashura also compensates for the minor sins of the previous year.
Prophet Muhammad observed fast on Ashura as he noticed that Jews celebrate Prophet Musa’s victory by fasting on this day. Thus, fasting on Ashura symbolizes thankfulness for saving the nation. Moreover, it also reminds us of the patience of the martyrs of Karbala.
Observing fast in Muharram is a good motivation for increasing the fasts in the new year. The reward for fasting is immeasurable. Also, people who regularly fast would be at an advantage on the Day of Judgment, as described in (Ibn Abi ad-Dunya). Therefore, setting a goal of increasing fast is a blessed start to the year.
Making Donations
One of the secrets to being happy is making someone else happy. And we all look forward to a happy beginning of the new year. A super and simple idea to distribute joy is making donations. It could be in the form of a small gift to the deserving and needy. Or any amount to a trustworthy charity organization. While we are at it, we should not be concerned about whether our charity would make any difference or not. What matters is a good intention and a generous heart. Though we also know that we will get our reward for this good deed, the joy of giving itself is a blissful feeling.
Visiting Hospitals & Orphanages
Many of us experience fast-paced and busy lives, yet we feel something is missing. Maybe this emptiness could be filled with blessings by doing something worth our time. Visiting the sick or orphans would give you peace of mind and self-satisfaction. It would also remind you of the blessings in your possession. The more you share, the more you get.
Building Good Habits
A new year is an opportunity to kick-start better habits. It is an occasion to re-evaluate our priorities, acknowledge the shortcoming, and make improvements. So, we need to develop the habits which lead us to blessings. These include:
- Fixing our daily routine and praying regularly
- Practicing patience and avoiding arguments
- Expressing gratitude for the blessings and restraining water and food wastage
With that, we should also develop an optimistic approach to the problems. We should be mindful of how God rescues us from hardships after all the struggles. And He is the one who turns impossible into possible. How He split the Red Sea for Prophet Musa is an example for us to learn and strengthen our Iman.