Filings Registered Trademark Registration: Filing a trademark is one in every of the steps that may make sure additional security and name to your business. It differentiates your brand and ensures you have staying power in a competitive market. The process of getting trademark registration is a must in terms of business and its importance. Here I am providing clear information about trademark registration.
Documents required for registration
Certain documents are required for trademark registration. Prominent among these are:
Trade License: It is the proof of the legitimacy of your business.
Business ID: Driving License, Voter ID, etc. can be used.
Trademark / Brand Name: You will need to provide the brand name assigned to your business.
Business Type and Operations Description: You will need to provide a detailed description of your business type and operations.
Logo or design (if any) If your brand has a specific logo or design, you will also need to submit a copy of it.
The cost of trademark registration is generally divided into two parts:
Government Fee: Rs 4500
Professional Fee: Advocate’s fee, cost of making the CD, etc., which can be determined at will.
There is no additional cost for trademark registration.
The minimum cost is Rs.4500.
In most cases, filing can be done online, which makes the process easier and faster.
The guidelines of the official website should be followed at every step of the trademark registration process.
Trademark Registration: Breaking the Myth and Reality
While there are advantages to online filing, trademark registration can take some time. There may be delays due to technical problems or other reasons. However, with online filing, you can quickly send the trademark and start using your brand.
Why is Trademark Registration so Important?
Failing to submit the required documents and fees for trademark registration will cause you NOT successfully complete your application. Your goods and services are readily identified by your trademark. Your will brand be secured and it is valuable asset of your company.
The Risks of Registering Trademarks in More than One Class
The risk will be enhanced for businessmen when they apply the trademarks in more than one class. However, a trademark expert said that applying multiple classes might cause traders to get unnecessarily involved in non-related business. For example, even when you start a business in the future, issues may come up. This is particularly relevant for those considering trademark registration in Kolkata.
International registration of trademarks
So if your business is going international or planning to go that route, you need an International Trademark Registration. The former Japan-based striker could be indirectly administered through his club at the time, Celtic FC in Scotland – although the exact procedure differs by country and often requires additional costs and formalities.
Need proper documents and information to make the trademark registration process easier and safer. Having an experience of government or professional fees makes you feel much more comfortable than the one who knows nothing about it, and by hearing this term for first time, you are making a confused face and asking yourself that what is all these? Lets admit. A trademark is one of the valuable tools you could ever have to protect your brand and get an edge over business competition.
It is a kind of protection for the business as a whole which helps in registering your company. This will not only save your brand, but also this keeps you stable and long live in the market. With the proper information and suggestions, signing up a new trademark can help your organization find a lot of achievement.