About JEE (Joint Entrance Examination)
The Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) is a common engineering entrance examination in India. It is conducted for admission to undergraduate engineering programs in National Institutes of Technology, Indian Institutes of Technology, and other centrally funded institutes. The examination is conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) and is conducted in 2 parts. The first phase is the JEE Mains examination and the second is the JEE Advanced examination. The JEE Mains is used for admission to the NITs, CFTIs and other reputed engineering colleges in the country, while the JEE advanced is considered for admissions to the IITs (candidates need to qualify in the JEE mains exam to appear for the JEE advanced exam)
What Can You Achieve by Securing a Rank Below 500 In the JEE Advanced?
The JEE is one of the most competitive exams in the world. More than a million students appear for it and only a few thousand seats are up for grabs in the IITs. With an overall selection ratio of ~1 out of every 1000 applicants the level of competition to get into the IITs is tremendous. To get into the top IITs (Delhi, Bombay, Kharagpur, Madras etc.) students typically need a rank below 2000 (for decent branches). A rank below 500 can get you prestigious branches of engineering (CSE, Mechanical, Electrical etc.) in the old IITs. Some of the most prestigious IITs (such as Delhi & Bombay) require ranks below 100 for the most in demand streams (CSE, Electrical etc.)
How To Get a Rank Below 500 In the JEE Advanced?
Some tips which toppers and teachers recommend getting top ranks in the JEE are listed below
- Plan You JEE Journey Before You Start: Start by writing down what you wish to achieve (e.g., AIR below 3000) and chart out a plan of how you can achieve that dream. Consult your seniors / teachers and read about what it takes to achieve that goal (e.g., 5 hours of self-study per day, 5 mock tests per week etc.). Creating a detailed study plan will help you be clear on what you need to do and where you are going
- Be Consistent: The word consistency is very important in the world of academics (especially for the JEE). It is a term that can be applied to many different aspects of your studies. Achieving consistency in your studies will help you to complete them more efficiently and with higher quality. Consistency can be achieved by following a routine and keeping up with deadlines. This will allow you to keep track of what needs to be done and when it needs to be done by, as well as how much time you have left before the deadline is due.
- Sacrifice: To get something good, you must let go some comforts / distractions in your life. Sacrifice is the price one pays for success. This is a phrase that has been said for many years by many people. It is an important part of achieving success in any aspect of life. Studies have shown that sacrificing your time, energy, or money will help you to achieve your goals and be successful in the future. By giving up that extra hour of TV or gossip with your friends you are only getting closer to your dream of achieving a top rank in the JEE
- Relax: Relaxation is the key to exam preparation. It helps you to be more focused, think more clearly and feel less stressed about the exam. The first step in relaxation is to identify what relaxes you, and then try to do that for at least 10 minutes every day. You can take a bath or shower, listen to music, meditate, or read a book. If these don’t work for you, there are plenty of other ways of relaxing like taking a walk outside or spending time with friends and family
- Nurture The Right Mindset: It’s important to have the right mindset for exam preparation. If you believe that you are intelligent and capable, then you will be more likely to succeed. However, if you think that exams are not your strong suit and that they’re not worth your time, then it’s unlikely that you will do well. While it is important to have the right mindset during exam preparation, it is also important to remember that intelligence and capability are not fixed traits. You can improve your intelligence by learning new things and practicing skills in a variety of ways. Exam anxiety is a fear or worry about an upcoming exam that can cause physical and emotional distress. It is normal to feel anxious before an exam, but sometimes this feeling can become overwhelming and make it difficult to focus on the task at hand. There are many ways to overcome exam anxiety, such as practicing self-soothing techniques, taking care of your physical health by getting enough sleep and exercise, or taking time for yourself in the days leading up to the exam.
Zone Into a Unilateral Goal & Watch It Become A Reality
Setting unilateral goals is important because it helps to keep your focus on the task at hand. It also helps you to set a specific goal in mind which can make it easier to achieve. There are many benefits that come with setting unilateral goals. One of the most important reasons is that they help you to maintain focus on one task at a time, which means that you will be able to complete it faster and more efficiently. Setting unilateral goals also helps you to avoid distractions since you only have one thing in mind, and it is easier for you to stay on track with what needs to be done. This way, setting unilateral goals can lead you towards achieving your JEE goals much more quickly than if you were doing so without them.
By blocking out most of the noise in the world and unilaterally focusing on a single outcome (A JEE Rank) the chances of success will become much higher.