Ticket Lawyer for the New Jersey Turnpike
The New Jersey Turnpike Authority has adopted rules regarding the types, weights, and sizes of vehicles allowed to use any such highway project, as well as rules for parking vehicles, turning, and using specific traffic lanes. These rules must not conflict with any other provisions of this act and must be followed at all times by anyone operating or attempting to operate a vehicle on any such highway project. However, the Authority shall conduct an investigation and consider the necessity and desirability of such regulation for the safety of persons and property, including the Authority’s property, as well as the contribution that any such regulation would make toward the efficient and safe handling of traffic and use of such highway project before adopting any regulation for the control of traffic on any such highway project, including the designation of any speed limits and that any such regulation must provide notice to drivers of vehicles by means of suitable signs placed elsewhere or constructed along the roadside on or before the regulation’s effective date and during its duration.
Browse nj traffic violation codes and fines if you’re looking for information on New Jersey’s traffic laws and penalties. You will receive a list of results that you may go through to find more information.
Lawyer for New Jersey Turnpike Tickets
According to the terms of this clause, the Authority is hereby given the authority and permission to create, adopt, and promulgate the rules mentioned in this section.
Regulations adopted by the Authority pursuant to the provisions of this section shall, to the extent practicable, be consistent with Title 39 of the Revised Statutes applicable to similar subjects, taking into account the features of any such highway project and the characteristics of traffic thereon.
Lawyer for New Jersey Turnpike Tickets
Any rule that the Authority adopts in accordance with the terms of this section may be amended, expanded upon, or repealed.