Tyres are able to roll on roads when they are inflated properly. You have to repair your flat tyres since air is an essential factor in their performance. You cannot drive your car on flat tyres. You have to inflate them.
Tyres Crank with proper air pressure will carry the weight of the vehicle effectively. Moreover, tyres roll on the road with proper stability because of air pressure. If air pressure is not present there, your tyres will skid on roads due to improper contact area.
So, the air is a vital factor for car tyres.
Your user manual has a separate place for the recommendations about the correct level of air pressure.
If your tyres do not have enough air pressure, this condition of tyres is under inflation. On the other hand, overinflation will take place in tyres if they are rolling on the road surface with high air pressure.
Tyres will perform well if you inflate them according to the recommendations of the carmakers.
The level of air pressure is different for every vehicle. Suppose you have a heavy vehicle and a passenger car as well. Both your vehicle will have different air pressure levels according to their functions.
Conclusively, the air is not a component of your tyres but it is a vital factor to determine the performance level of car tyres.
Nowadays, drivers are inflating their tyres with a new substitute. This popular substitute is nitrogen.
Many people use nitrogen in their car tyres because they are not familiar with this new option. Think that there must be a reason for the popularity of nitrogen. Therefore, they start to use nitrogen just to follow the trend.
In this blog, we will compare the two choices for tyre inflation. After reading this information, you will be able to determine a better choice for your vehicle.
Air Vs nitrogen gas: which is the better option?
As you know, the air is an old player in the field and people have been using it for a long time. Nitrogen is a comparatively new option. This option offers a number of mechanical advantages. People want to use nitrogen in their tyres because of these benefits.
We can compare air and nitrogen on the basis of some common factors.
Let us see which option wins the race!
First of all, we have to look at the comfort while you use air or nitrogen in the vehicle.
Air is everywhere and it is totally free. You do not need to go to any special garage or service station to get air in your tyres. On the other hand, nitrogen is not easily available due to the absence of proper infrastructure. So, before you use nitrogen in your vehicle, you have to look at its availability.
There are a lot of places where nitrogen is available but it is not free. You have to pay for this option. Thus, if you have filled your tyres with nitrogen, you have to fill them with nitrogen every time to enjoy its benefits.
Suppose you do not have nitrogen in your place, you can mix air and nitrogen but in this case, using nitrogen in your tyres is just a waste of time.
Inflation level maintenance:
Tyres have a natural tendency to lose air. The rubber material of tyres has very small pores to allow the air to steadily seep out. Therefore, your tyres will lose some air even if you do not drive your vehicle for a long time.
According to experts, nitrogen has bigger molecules than air. Therefore, the rate of deflation in tyres will be slower if you have used nitrogen to inflate them.
It clearly means that you need to check the inflation level after a longer period of time.
In this matter nitrogen wins the argument because of a slower rate of deflation.
Fuel efficiency:
You just need to keep the inflation level at the correct level. This rule will not change if you use nitrogen in your car. Nitrogen does not affect the rolling resistance of your car tyres. Thus, the fuel efficiency of tyres will not change after you replace air with nitrogen gas. Here both are at an equal level. We cannot determine the winner.
Ageing of tyres:
Air has moisture. Therefore, the internal case of tyres may experience corrosion and rust. These issues will reduce the lifespan of your car tyres. On the other hand, nitrogen is a dry gas. Therefore, your tyres would not experience rusting or similar issues if you inflate them with nitrogen gas.
If you can pay and you have a nearby service station to get nitrogen, it will be really beneficial to use nitrogen gas in tyres. However, the recommendations about keeping Tyres Haydock properly inflated would not be changed. Therefore, check the inflation level regularly whether you have filled your tyres with air or nitrogen.