The Kerala High Court in response to a PIL filed by students has instructed the NTA (National Testing Agency) to create a standardized protocol to conduct the exam across the country. The PIL comes in the light of an incident where female students were asked to remove their inner wear in the name of checking / frisking on the day of the NEET exam (the incident was reported at one of the centers in Kollum)
Chief Justice, S Manikumar and Justice Shaji P Chaly have asked the NTA to file a statement which will be heard on 5th August 2022. Apart from the need to formulate a standard protocol for conducting the exam, the plea also demands that the affected candidates be able to reappear given that they may have been adversely affected by the hostile situation on the day of the exam (17th July 2022)
The harassment incident occurred in Mar Thoma Institute of Technology. The police had arrested 5 people who were responsible for the incident (three of them were part of an agency which was hired by the NTA), all have been released on bail.
NEET UG 2022 Updates
- NTA is expected to release the official answer key any time now. Candidates will be provided with a window of 2-3 days to raise any objections on the same
- The results are expected to be released in mid / end August
- The NEET counselling process will be conducted by the MCC and state specific medical bodies for admissions to more than 90,000 MBBS seats. Details for the same will be released once the official results have been declared
- This year’s cut-off is expected to be slightly higher than last year. Experts suggest that a score of 590-620 may be the threshold for government medical colleges