Preeta starts walking around her home, arjun from behind figures out she has not changed even a bit and is at this point unaltered fourth class bomb trained professional, Preeta all of a sudden starts evaluating how Karan used to call her by this name. Preeta turning asks with respect to whether he said something, but he answers she is the individual who needs to say thank you, Preeta offers him to come to her home so he can consider it as a thankyou signal, Arjun yells he can’t come since he has a get-together so Preeta leaves, arjun hesitantly gets in the vehicle.
Preeta going into the house embraces Bi jee, she finds a seat at the table when Janki offers her water seeing which Shristhi starts making faces, Shristhi gets a handle on that whenever she shows up at this house they never manage her like this, Bi jee figures out she had thoroughly took care of her at this point Shristhi didn’t see it, Preeta figures out she should recognize that both Bi jee and Janki love her even more then Shristhi, she seeing the drank sarree of Preeta asks how is it that it could end up actually working, she figures out that it got seared because of the Diya in the Mandir, she promises it isn’t anything like that. Preeta hears the bang on the entrance so goes to open it, she is stumbled to see Arjun and asks what he is doing here, he answers he really wants to say something when Preeta endeavors to ask him anyway he pushing her goes into the house.
Arjun invites Bi jee who is anxious to see him and even Shristhi embraces Arjun, he inquiries in case they donot ask their guests for tea, Janki answers they set up the tea for the guests, so Preeta offers to make it for them, they all wish to drink it. Preeta enters the kitchen when Arjun is basically looking at her, Bi jee at some point or another solicitations that he come and sit with them since it will require venture for the tea to get ready. Shristhi endeavors to fight with Arjun since she is staying before him, Arjun finally sorts out some way to sit while Shristhi in like manner sits near him. Bi jee figures she has no shame as she neglects to recollect that she has been hitched to Sameer, Bi jee trains her to continue to help Preeta yet Shristhi denies getting a handle on she would remain here and talk with Arjun.
Prithvi in the telephone asks regarding the reason why the other individual supported him, he answers that he feels like he has acknowledged Prithvi at this point can’t recollect where they met, Prithvi answers it is ludicrous as he is a lawful guide, yet Prithvi has not used the legitimate guide till now. Prithvi gets anxious to see Sherlin so calls her figuring out how he was holding on for her and since she has come all future well, Sherlin starts winding his hand and even trade offs the legitimate guide when he endeavors to stop her, Prithvi gets a handle on it is really hurting so how could she answer, Sherlin answers he can’t recognize how Prithvi put his phone in women’s lavatory, Prithvi asks how should she acknowledge he would do anything of the sort, Sherlin answers she furthermore went to the examiner who showed her the compact which has a spot with him, she is upset. Prithvi endeavors to get a handle on he doesnot know how his phone got in the bathroom as Arjun took his phone when they were engaging after which his phone was found in the restroom. Sherlin gets a handle on his life has transformed into a condemnation resulting to accepting him, he said that he doesnot love Preeta anyway by then they sorted out he was meandering around her, she figures out she has a lot of respect for women so he ought to stay here for what he has done, Prithvi starts hollering tending to why did she come in case she was not ready to help him, Prithvi yells this constable is a solitary man, he going to the legitimate guide figures out he is really ideal to not be hitched. He asks Prithvi is Preeta is a comparative young woman who got hitched to Rishab, Prithvi gets some data about that family when the lawful guide replies as such he was unable to remember where he has seen Prithvi.
Preeta brings the tea for them all and resulting to serving asks Arjun the clarification he came here, he asks who could he want to complain about Preeta, Arjun uncovers he was the individual who ended her sarree from the fire, Preeta answers she planned to tell them, Arjun figures out she doesnot even acknowledge they should thank someone when Preeta answers she told him anyway Arjun says Preeta said that it was not coming from inside her.
Arjun directly following drinking tea asks with regards to why she put so less sugar in it, Bi jee demands that Preeta continue to put sugar which Preeta takes to the kitchen, she ponders a game plan so as opposed to sugar places support in it as a retaliation.
Preeta hands Arjun the tea when Arjun uncovers he similarly dropped her to the house, Preeta answers that he actually proposed to drop her, Arjun asks with regards to why she not expressed thanks to him as he showed her propensities. Preeta enlightens she offered him to come and have tea when Arjun answers he just came to protest about her. Preeta says he should have tea which he says is perfect, Preeta answers that he is a wired person as she put salt in his tea, Arjun enlightens they have gotten her exercises. Bi jee starts condemning Preeta tending to why she do it when he helped her. Sameer suddenly goes into the house inviting them all and is bewildered seeing Arjun, he questions what is he doing here so Arjun enlightens he came to drop Preeta and stayed back to meet with Bi jee and the rest of the family.
Sameer asks as to why did Preeta Bhabhi not call him, Shristhi exploding answers he is for the most part ready to help each and every other individual yet not her, Sameer enlightens thus he came here when he stands to leave yelling he has a lot of contacts of the originators, Arjun hurts his head which stresses everyone so they speedily rush to help him, Preeta with night brings the turmeric milk for him which he won’t drink, she then, at that point, enlightens she would put the infection pack on his head so it doesnot hurt him any longer, Arjun starts exploring the minutes delighted in with her and out of the blue holds her hand preceding going out, Bi jee questions Preeta if she communicated anything to him which she declines.
Arjun driving the vehicle is smiling exploring the way that he feels enchanted while being with Preeta anyway by then he ponders the night when he was thrown in the dam, at this point by and by she is hitched to Rishab. Arjun thinks his heart for the most part needs to go to Preeta anyway by and by he wouldn’t go near Preeta since she doesnot have any kind gestures for him, Arjun figures he should keep away from her since, in such a case that this returns with then he would reveal reality that he is Karan, until his retaliation is done, he can’t tell the truth about his character. Preeta is moreover anxious in the kitchen while Arjun moves in the vehicle to drive away, both of them have all the earmarks of being stressed.