Your home is your safe haven, and you must feel safe and protected in it no matter the cost. No matter if you have wealthy possessions or you simply wish for no one ever to break into your home and scavenge things, you need to improve your home’s security. Nowadays, installing a professional security system in Australia can be rather costly, and people tend to avoid securing their homes due to a lack of money for a professional system. Luckily, there are many other ways to keep your possessions safe without having to spend a fortune. Here are some of the simplest and most effective ways you can protect your home from thieves and people alike.
Add extra light
When a house is adequately lit, the criminals won’t see it as an easy target. One of the simplest and most effective ways to improve your home security is definitely lighting up the entire house. When you install professional lighting in the front and back of the house, along the pathways, and in the backyard, you will send out a message to the burglars that your home is protected. Keep burglars at bay by placing expert lighting features like motion-activated lights around the home or smart light bulbs. By using a smart lighting outlet you will ensure that your intruders are kept at a distance.
Secure the doors
In Sydney, for instance, it has been reported that most burglars tend to go for the front or back door. If you have steady and safe locks, you can minimize the potential burglary occurrences. Firstly, check whether the exterior doors are safe by inspecting the frames and hinges. The door frames and the hinges should be strong and sturdy. If you are moving into a rented place or a new residence, change the door locks asap. Make sure you get the most quality locks or call an expert locksmith from Sydney to change the door locks and get extra protection.
Inspect the windows
Apart from doors, windows are another rather common entry point for burglars and criminals. The breaking sound of shuttered glass may repel some criminals, but it can happen when you own an old window frame that is easy to open. What’s more, manufacturer latches on some windows aren’t always that strong, and very often the frames can loosen up enabling the burglars to enter with ease. Inspect the existing windows, opt for window locks or key-operated levers, reinforce the glass with special window security film, add window bars, and if you have money to spare, install window sensors or glass break sensors.
Protect the garage
Most homeowners neglect the importance of securing the garage. Another common entry point for burglars is the garage due to the simplicity of the entrance. Hence, lock all the doors to the garage, and don’t keep any valuable items inside. Instead of installing an expensive security system and cameras, you only install one motion sensor or a driveway alarm that will overlook the garage. In this case, you will secure the entire house and not give any chance for criminals to come closer to the interior or your car. Furthermore, you can upgrade to a smart garage door opener, and cover the garage windows for extra protection.
Incorporate some burglar-proof aspects
Burglars and petty criminals by default aim for the house that appears to be least protected. One way to secure your home and keep criminals away is to make it less attractive for burglary. This is easy said than done because you don’t need to have a shabby home to protect it, but just make it less extravagant from the outside. Instead of having grand molding, opt for casual paintwork, or move your valuables out of the sight from windows, don’t leave your garbage for days, and have your neighbors collect your mail when you’re away. Also, never leave a spare key under the door mat, don’t post on social media when you are away, or wait to put your holiday photos when you return. These little hacks can really help protect your home in the long run.
Add security cameras
In the end, if you want to ensure maximum home security you can add a few security cameras or sensor alarms. There’s no denying that the home security option is the most expensive one, but you don’t need to go all, but rather start with one camera or sensor and build up with time. By installing security cameras you will get a tangible safe-proof solution to burglary because criminals tend to stay away from house that has visible security. What’s more, cameras enable you to see footage in real-time or record it so you can track the criminals in real time or call the police.
These are some of the inexpensive, easy, and effective ways to top up your home security. Having a burglar-resistant home signalizes having a safe mind and safe home to return to.